
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:20:52
The last time I her,she at a medical college.A.was visiting,studiedB.visited,studiesC.visited,was studyingD.was visiting,was studying 英语我爱你怎么打 英语翻译教育是最大的民生与民心工程.人民群众追求的教育,不仅是要让子女“有学上”,而且要“上好学”,群众的追求,就是教育改革的方向!2010年,县委、县政府作出指示,将原来的西南小学 英语翻译"玫瑰茄浸膏粉"帮我翻译成英文的,需要专业的英语高手.如果在翻译工具里翻译过来的就不用回答了. 新目标英语八年级下册Unit6 Self check-1怎么填单词:collect .run out of.skate.store.raise.句子:1:Our class is organizing a talent show to_____money for charity.2:My classmate Larry started______when he was nine and he won the firs The most beautiful teacher-Zhang Lili ——————(lose) her two legs for saving her students in the traff accident.Michael Jackson was the king of pop and was good at————(dance). Zhang Lili,____most beautiful teacher,has moved us deeply.这个空填the还是a?老师说是a,理由是我们选了不止一个最美教师,Zhang只是其中的一个,所以用a,不懂,.. 高压开关按灭弧介质可分为哪些 the street is crowed __ trafficthe street is crowed ____ trafficA.for B.in C with分析选择原因谢谢 -- zhang lili the mosty beautiful teacher has moved us deeply -- yes and she is --- popular with h-- zhang lili the mosty beautiful teacher has moved us deeply-- yes and she is --- popular with her studentsa\ sometimesb\ neverc\ alwaysd\ hardly说理 Uncle Ming said,"You don't have to stay so late." 改为间接引语 英语翻译今天是我来做演讲,借此机会,我要对坐在第二组第六排的男生说:你真的很酷,很荣幸能和你成为朋友,虽然你在看着我,但是你却不知道我正在向你表白,感觉真爽. 1、He said that he _____ (come)back tonight.2、I thought it _____ (rain) soon. 麻烦高手帮忙翻译一段英文.下面那个括号里面的是酒店的英文哈!谢谢啦!酒店简介 仙满楼.麦肯希酒店是安徽仙满楼餐饮集团控股的麦肯希酒店投资管理有限公司全资投资的一家按国际超四 你正在等我吗 用英语怎么说 "生活中的实用英语"这句话的英语翻译是什么?做手抄报用的,这是一张关于生活中的实用英语的手抄报.这是题目. 谢谢专家人士! 英语翻译If I were blue,would you be there for me,And whisper in my ears that's okay.Would you stand by me,let me hold you tight,And say you love me one more time.If I feel good,would you slow dance with me,And touch my lips with tender loving car 请翻译一下MJ的with you be there和Gone Too Soon和smile3首歌~ The fight began.The issue was for a time doubtful,but at last Beowulf...and she fell dead中的The issue was for a time doubtful怎么理解?背景是贝奥武夫和恶魔搏斗. 哪位帮我把‘姝妍’换成繁体字的一定要加符号的!如果好的话我一定给分! 车载DVD电路板上的英文电路板上的(AMP.ANT.RR+.RF+LF+LR+.知道人说下谢谢 车载DVD常用哪些电路? This is a photo of mary`s family .The girl is mary.S[] is a student.今晚就要急 Lucy didn't do well in the long jump.In fact she did ______.A.quite bad B.rather bad C.very bad D.rather badly 货币的由来货币是怎样从古到今演变过来的 关于货币起源最初,黄金作为货币,按理说应该具有使用价值和价值吧,但是黄金的使用价值和价值在哪,在当时黄金究竟有什么用?不能吃不能穿,而且在当时很多东西都稀有的年代它为什么有那 货币起源 货币的起源和发展是什么? 英语翻译希望体现出 “室内”。呵呵 填空 it is the girl's cat.itis.填空 it is the girl's cat.itis. 人类应该怎样对待拥有的财富,谈谈你的看法. Lily _____(not do)her homework at school