
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:05:45
Hearing the bad news,_______.A.tears came down her faceHearing the bad news,_______.A.tears came down her face     B.she can't help crying C.everything seemed to be in bad order  D.the young lady was upset这道题选B还是D为什么 英语翻译 do you have a car?no,i don it ,i have a-------- it's a nice car._________have you been in it?Just to ShangHai.A.How much B.How long C.How soon D.How far为什么B不可以啊? when chrismas comes to town歌词下载歌词下载地址 Do you have a car?作否定回答是什么 焦作朗训少儿英语好不好啊? 英语翻译If brand managerscontrol the resources,they will persist too longwith a brand that haslost its punch. 宁波朗训少儿英语,好不好? As they vent and see that you are not reacting,they will begin to calm down themselves.翻译成中文 The workers will go on strike if they _____ put forward are turned down.A.should B.wouldC.不填 D.had 求latex代码··latex作图问题····用latex有一幅图但是点太大,我不知道怎么改用的是\bullet,另外一种就是\codt,但是用\codt那是像句号一样的小点,\begin{picture}(200,100)(0,0)\put(10,60){\vector(1,0){130}} \put when it comes 英语翻译我的意思是when it comes to=? 请问when it comes to when it comes to 能用过去时吗?when it came to? We'd like to think that they'd be affordable so that everyone who wanted one could have onePlease translate. do they have time to do t____ they like They lost the game yesterday because they___(not prepare)enough. latex问题q(accept),其中,accept应该设定为下标,这个该如何设定呢?$q_accept$是不对滴.我有蛋疼了,知道答案了,sorry. 谁有自创的现代诗?一定是现代的哦,而且字数要少一点,但不要太少.哦,还有···不要写爱情的那种···要适合少年儿童读.谢谢.虽然不要太成熟,可是也别太幼稚呀! 谁能告诉我一篇写春天的小诗(现代诗,字数越少越好) 求2首字数少的现代诗阅读题及答案!现在文阅读题及答案! 六年的小学生活就要结束了,即将离开母校,我们可以把“”这句诗送给同学.回忆起天真的童年“”这些童趣的诗句又历历在目,令人难以忘怀(就是写两句诗句) 字数较少的现代诗最好只有5行 你就要离开生活学习了六年的母校了,请你为母校送上一句美好的祝福. 不久,我们就要离开生活了六年的母校.回首过往的岁月,我们想起了培育自己的老师,为了我们的成长,他们( )()地工作.在老师的教育下,我们学到了许多知识,也认识了许多林我们敬佩的人 她写字多认真啊!用英文怎么写?我急用 “写字姿势”翻译成英文 谁会这两个作图题?追加50分!1 已知线段a、b(a大于b),求作△ABC使AB=AC=a,BC边上的中线等于b.2 已知线段a、b、c,c大于a,a大于b,求作三角形ABC,使AC=b,AB=c,AC边上的中线BD=a.写出作法就可以. 时间过得真快啊!六年的小学生活就要结束了形容愉快的时光( 三个成语)往事、老师、同学、母校个三个成祝老师、同学、母校 Many athletes would very much like to ( ) the 2012 Olympic Games ( ) in London.Many athletes would very much like to ( ) the 2012 Olympic Games ( ) in London.A join ; hold B .join in ; will be held C .take part in ; which will hold D .take part in ;