
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:44:21
need 的被动语态是什么 need sleeping =need to be slept 睡觉为什么用被动语态 一个四位数的完全平方,要求前两个数相同,后两个数也相同,且自身是一个两位数字相同的两位数的平方,求这个数.,., the decorator showed no discretion in her purchase for our new house,everything costing too muchmoney.分析下这句话什么结构! 从A地到B地,甲要走3小时,乙要走150分钟,甲,乙两人速度之比是( ) a_地贫基因WS位点杂合性突变,是什么地贫 甲、乙两人分别从A地到B地,甲用了4小时,乙用了3小时,求两人的速度比 丹麦语中爱怎么拼写 丹麦语你好怎么写,怎么读 2个超级超级简单的句型转换..!We have four weeks off.They have three weeks off(用than将两句并写一句)We have _____ ______ week off than them.John runs faster than any other student in his class 改同义句__________________ in his c 1.It seemed that the people were much too excited at the time.(同义句.The people ( )( )( )( ) at the moment.2.The fire must be outside,( )( (改为反意疑问句)3.Seconds later,we were both asfe on the ground.(同义句)After a while,we 简单的句型转换He shows an interest in space travel He_________ ___________ _________ space travel The new educational game was sold in China and Japan (对划线部分提问) 划线部分是China and Japan ________ _________ _________the new 很简单的句型转换I won't work well if you don't help meI won't work well — — help(2个空)What happened to you?— — — you? (3个空) 1,某建设项目总投资1000万元,其中自有资金800万元,资本金净利润率为10%,年固定资产折旧5万元,年利息支出2万元,则总投资利润率为多少?2,某项目建设期3年,每年年初投资100万元,运营期8年,第1年 We ____(禁止)bring our bags into the shop 18.if we can ______ our present difficulties,theneverything should be all right.A)get offB)get upC)get aloneD)get over 小石潭记 第三段用了什么辞格? 北理工理论力学期末题哪有? 第三段描写小石潭源流,依次抓住溪流岸势的什么特点来描写? 第三段写小谭源流抓住溪流岸势什么特点来描写的?用了什么修辞手法?有什么好处? How about watering the flowers now?请问这个句子的 主 谓是什么? look,the flowers______by those workers.A:are watered B:are being watered C:are wateringD:are going to water How are the students?换种说法,句意不变 手机的九宫格密码如何可以重复连比如把手机九宫格当做手机数字键盘 我从7开始划线划到1如何怎么划回4而且可以在4上面停住 有关抛物线的问题设抛物线C1的方程为y=1/20x^2,它的焦点F关于原点的对称点为E,若曲线C2上的点到E,F距离之差的绝对值等于6,则曲线C2的标准方程为 有关抛物线的一些问题?如何判断抛物线 y=ax2+bx+c 的B C点正负值? 有关抛物线的题已知点A(0,-3),B(2,3),点x²=y上,当ΔPAB的面积最小时,求点P的坐标.错了错了,是“点P在x²=y上” 顺便讲下思路啦 有关美丽的抛物线的问题y=-ax^2+4ax-3a是美丽的抛物线,求a美丽的抛物线,是指抛物线的顶点与2个x轴交点构成RT△的抛物线 在热水瓶中倒大半瓶开水,把瓶塞塞紧,是否发现过瓶塞跳起?在这个过程中瓶内气体内能——塞子机械能——什么能转化为什么能? Try to write the missing pronoune:I ( ) my ( ) myselfyou you ( ) yours yourselfhe ( ) his ( ) ( )she her her hers herselfit it ( ) its itselfwe ( ) our ( ) ourselvesyou you your yours ( )they ( ) their theirs ( ) 求助英语高手帮忙翻译.这句话好难理解啊,求高人指导!However, every yin deserves a yang. The marketer’s role simply can’t consist of fawning or mindless meddling in the creative enterprise du jour. 联合国家宣言三盟指什么?