
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:59:37
根据短文内容(英文),完成下面的问题Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago,but it has many new problems.One cf the biggest problems.The more people ,the more pollution.Many years ago,the problems was not so seriou 完成下列英语短文1.ate 2.studied 3.went 4.practiced 5.got 6.washed 7.was 8.had 9.ran 10.walked11.jumpedLily had s busy day yesterday.At 7;00.she ( ) up and ( ).Then she ( )breakfast.At 7:40,she ( ) to school.she ( )English,mate,chinese and ( ) 三、 英语完成下列短文:三、\x05完成下列短文: 谁能帮我用英语完成这篇作文啊!作文changing要求:1.写出中国过去和现在的变化.2.要求字数60个单词左右. 英语环保对话文章 -小品就好象(内容:美好的一天.小树对小花/小草说:我们受到污染.小草:.关于对话小品的 绝对机会 关于环保的英语短文求一篇带翻译的英语短文,不能太长 关于保护环境的英语短文,最好是五人对话.800词左右. 英语短文1分钟(简单对话、简单单词)生词少、长度短! 阅读英语短文,回答下列问题Hi!I'm Peter.Last night,we had a birthday party at home.It was my little sister's birthday party.She is seven years old now.She was very happy last night.She had many birthday presents.A doll was from my father.A 阅读英语短文回答问题1.One day,I went to the park.On my way to the park I saw many people under a tree.I went over and saw an old woman crying there.I asked her,“What's the matter,Grandma?"“I came from Sichuan.I came to see my son.But I 英语的阅读短文答案!Where Are My Sandwiches?A man is going to see his friend.He takes some sandwiches with him because his friend’s home is very far.On his way,he says to himself,”My friend is going to give me a very good lunch.” Then h A new study shows that humans had the ability to make fire nearly 790,000 years ago,a skill that helped them migrate from Africa to Europe.By analysing flints at an archaeological site on the bank of the river Jordan,researchers at Israel's Hebrew Un 阅读短文,(英语的)I am Ken.I love the stamps very much.Now I have about two hundred stamps.I always go to the post office to buy stamps at the weekend.Sometimes I use my pocket money to buy some stamps,but I can’t buy the most beautiful o 英语翻译短文:We eat food form trees.We get wood from trees to build our houses.We make paper from trees,too.On Arbor Day we plant new trees.Children help to do thework.Many trees begin their lives on this day.It's a kind of birthday for trees.N 阅读短文根据短文回答问题(英语)Today is Sunday.It's the sixth of March.Mike does not have classes.It is his birthdat today.His friends Liu Tao ,David and Nancy are going to the park with him.They are going to meet at1:30in front of t 阅读短文,回答问题(英语)Mr wood lives in edmonton ,He wants a trip to china ,It,s about eight thousand five hundred kilometre from edmonton to china ,He invites danny and jenny .They leave for china on march 1.where does mr wood want to 阅读英文短文回答问题62.Is the bar’s name “The White Horse”?Yes63.Was there a picture of a white horse or a picture of a black horse on the door at first?64.Who helped Mr.Webster?65.Why did many people come to his bar?66.What have we l 阅读英语短文,We can see many traffic signs on both sides of the roads or streets.Some tell the drivers what to do,and others tell them what not to do.The traffic signs are the traffic rules.All people must obey the rules and mustn’t break the 阅读下列的短文(英文啊)回答的好,追加20分!急!Days out on a bicycle Ben and his friend, Nick are enjoying themselves on bicycles. Every day they go to a different place. Yesterday Ben went to see Aunt Daisy and Uncle Fred. Nick 阅读短文,判断正误 英语短文This is a picture of my school.There is a tall building in the middle of the picture.There is a big playground.in front of the building.There are many trees and flowers near the playground.the trees are green.The 还是英语的阅读短文 英语文章朗读MP3我要现成的, 新课标人教版英语必修(1~5)+选修(6~10)的课文和单词朗读MP3,最好有读中文的最好读了英语后.会把翻译读出来.如果有把单词拼出来的最好 求六级晨读英语美文100篇的MP3打包主要是我买了……又不见了,只剩下一本书,杯具!哪位壮士可以发给我,是星火英语的阎丽华主编的,jashlfaoao@163.com 谁可以帮忙把一篇英语文章改成对话Food and wine are among the great attractions of a trip to Italy.Whether you sit down in a hotel or in a cheaper restaurant,the food is likely to be good,although the prices will be greatly different.It 求英语高手把这个文章和文章里的对话翻译成英文听了年轻警官说的话之后,在场的人心里都惊了一下,心里顿时多了一份警惕和怀疑.突然年前的警官好像想起了什么,然后走出了病房.就在年 英语翻译要用英语对话的.急. 英语阅读短文,用适当的词填空The students of Grade Seven are going to a winter camp.They are going to live t____for a week.No one is going to help them.They must go shopping and do the cooking and washing t___.On the first two days,they ar {英文短文}用所给的词语适当形式填空这是所给的词语:think about;shopping;kind;problem;live;find;do;sometimes;or;high_________________________________________________________________New York,London,Paris and other big cities are 英语作文(阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文)When you use or take personality tests,what are the factors that lead to job success?There are several personal factors that have been associated with gener 关于庆祝元旦的英语文章(100词,初二)寻英语文章,初二要勉强看得懂,少生词注意!:一,没有语法错误;二,关于元旦(新历1月1日,不是春节!)三,100词左右四,不要粘帖一大段难懂的文章谢谢了 介绍自然灾害的英语短文,一百词左右.