
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:25:56
请问在外企做前台工作,如果来外国客人或公司老板应分别怎样用英文或中文打招呼接待呢? 万劫不复的反义词急用.写文的时候写到的.我一起走向的.是万劫不复.还是( )”就这个括号里的.应该是反义词比较好. _____of the students are from Australia.they are ___ good at EnglishA mostly most Bmost almost C mostly almost D most mostly 改错:Are they from the Australia They are from Australia 变成一般疑问句怎么变? 年轮并非树木独有,许多动物也有年轮,请问牛、马的年轮长在哪里? China is where we live.叫定语从句还是宾语从句? 有live+ where 定语从句吗?下面这句话中的or where food is stored 是houses的定语从句还是别的?a small animal that is covered in fur and has a long thin tail.Mice live in fields,in people's houses or where food is stored 英语翻译We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War 2,at a time when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an orn S___i sit here? 朝秦暮楚的典故是什么?要有时期、涉及人物、主要内容``帮帮忙`谢谢了 朝秦暮楚的典故我要非常具体的《朝秦暮楚》的典故,至于像〖解释〗战国时期,秦楚两个诸侯大国相互对立,经常作战.有的诸侯小国为了自身的利益与安全,时而倾向秦,时而倾向楚.比喻人反复 托福北美机经有什么作用如题 在北美看托福机经和预测有用吗?我要在北美这边进行托福考试.好像大陆经常重复北美考过的题,那是不是在北美要注意下大陆以前的考题? 是不是北美一般出的都是新题? 还有,就是预测什么 Can I sit here?(改为陈述句)_______________.十万火急! living things need water to keep alive 有什么语法点? 写作六级哪本参考书好?太多了看得眼花缭乱的,请大家推荐推荐.另外用不用看看雅思写作呢? 雅思写作究竟分几段? 介词后跟什么介词about后跟sth还是doing sth practice后跟什么介词Practice to play the guitar every day.那里错了 entertain后跟什么介词 今天在温哥华考了雅思 但是没能很好的理解作文题目 People's shopping habits depend more on their age groups rather than other factors do you agree or disagree? On the wall hung a picture,_____ color is blue.(a)A.whose B.of which C.which D.its我记得whose好像是用来形容某人的啊 4l,麻烦你看清楚题目……………… The picture ___on the wall is painted by my brother.A.having hung B.hung c.being hang D.hangs我觉得选B, we had ____hung the picture on the wall ___it fell sooner.of sonner.when sonner...than D.hardly..than My father hung a picture on the wall yesterday.(改为被动语态)A picture____ ____on the wall by my father yerterday. 一道英语选择题.Do you mind if I sit here?A.Yes,please B.No,you'd better no.C.Not at allD.CertD.Certainly May I sit here?A.Yes.Let’s.B.Yes,we do.C.Yes,you do.选哪一个 介词1.We learn to speak _____ speaking LEARN要如何加动词有无介词TO 有关雅思写作和口语的一点疑问自身情况:高三毕业生,词汇5000左右.山东英语高考133.需要雅思总分6分,写作不低于6分的成绩,已上1个多月的雅思班.听力阅读凑合,写作比较薄弱,口语更弱.基本 关于雅思写作和口语的问题还有一个月就要考雅思了,但是我遇到了一个比较严重的问题,就是写作和口语第三部分,我总是拓展不开思路,不知道如何有条理地写下去.我基础还算不差,六级538分.