
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:55:08
从A组词语中至少选用两个词语,并从B组选用一组关联词语,写一段描写景物的话,不超过80字.A组:廖阔 枯涸 清洌 玲珑剔透 花团锦簇 美不胜收 繁花似锦B组:虽然……但是…… 既然……那么 请问rise和raise由被动时态吗?他们又有哪些区别呢? raise和rise的区别以及各种时态.求详解. 使用下面词语写一段连贯的话.从A组至少选用两个词语,从B组至少选用一组关联词语,写一段描写景物的话A:千姿百态 盛开 朝气 沉默 希望 B:不但……而且…… 因为……所以…… Fall is a good season to climb hills.改为同义句 It's a good time to climb hills.(同义句)It's a good time ____ _____ hills. As it turned out , my little publication went on to become student , a national magazine for youngpeople in the U.K这句话中my little publication went on to become student 是什么意思?有什么短语搭配吗? 奥克兰用英语怎么说 英语的short汉语是什么? 英语中的词类缩写字母 good.are.health.good.habits.for.your怎么组句子, Climbing skills ___good for our health A is B are limx趋于0 x(e^x +1)-2(e^x -1)/x*sin^2 x=? Kitty is the tallest in our classroom.=Kitty istaller than any other student还是students in our classroom. sound like broken records playing over but you promised her.求中文意思? Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her, It's a good time to climb hills中的It是不是形式主语那么It's a good season for flying kites中的it又做什么? It's cool.It's good time to climb hills.中的it和to的不定式个在句中做什么成分? I wait for you to break up 在线求say something- austin mahone 的mp3 说说f(x)=(2mx-m^2 1)/(x^2 1)(x∈R)limx*sin(1/x) ∩{P丨PA=PC}a^2c c^2a ab(a-2b) bc(c-2b) 跪求f(x)=(2mx-m^2 1)/(x^2 1)(x∈R)limx*sin(1/x) a^2c c^2a ab(a-2b) bc(c-2b)y=x 1分之x的平方-x 2{x不等-1 “蔬菜” 在文言文、古文中的说法是什么 求问 limx*sin(1/x) 当x趋近于0 limx趋近于1 sin(1-x^2)/1-x limx趋近于无穷(1/x)sin((x^2+1)/x)要过程 在火星上看火卫一是不是等于地球上看星星?火卫一很小的 We are s___ that everyone will have a fantastic holiday. 用成语概括《狼来了》故事 英语翻译开头是:艾子之邻,皆齐之鄙人也.闻一人.(中文白话翻译!) 英语翻译营丘士,性不通慧,每多事,好折难而不中理.一日,造艾子问曰:“凡大车之下,与橐驼之项,多缀铃铎,其何故也?”艾子曰:“车、驼之为物甚大,且多夜行,忽狭路相逢,则难于回避,以借鸣 英语翻译开头是 艾子行水,涂见一庙,矮小而装饰甚严.王曰:“前人已不信矣,又安祸之!”