
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:49:04
每天保持我们教室干净是很有必要的.It is _____ ________us_____ _____our classroom_______every day. 有四个连续的偶数,其中最小的一个是2n,则最大的是几? 3个连续偶数中最小的一个为2n,这3个连续偶数的和为多少?如题 第八小题怎么写谢谢! 如何保持教室卫生的方法 MFC画图 画圆请问MFC中画一个圆,调用Ellipse函数,但我想把这个圆保存成一个对象或变量,之后对这个对象操作,比如填充、移动变大变小等等,就是想问一下我怎么能把这个圆保存成一个“圆类” 0、这种圆形表格用什么画图工具能最方便的画出来,如图所示1、表格中的文字都是向着圆心,沿着圆弧排列;2、每一圈表格可以自定高度、宽度;3、最外圈的详细刻度怎么划分.解决以上全部 Many students ________ the sports meeting last week.A.joined B.took part in C.joined in all student s(------)part in the sports meeting yesterday Many students signed up(报名)for the__a___ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A.800-meter-long B.800-meters-long C.800 meter length D.800 meters length为什么不选b many students will take an active part in the sports meeting 为什么不加the或者别的我知道是a 是元音,不过为什么不加别的,是固定搭配的问题么 (初三英语选择)_____students took part in the sport meeting._____students took part in the sport meeting.A Three hundred ofB Three hundredsC Hundred ofD Several hundred 数学问题,我要方法!不要算数.有一个长方体,底面是正方形,把它上下左右四个面展开后,正好是一个边长为40cm的正方形.长方体的表面积是什么? 已知函数f(x)=loga(a-ax)(a>0,且a≠1)求定义域和值域 东南亚的首都是哪里? 东南亚各国首都分别是什么?东南亚各个国家的首都分别是什么啊、急 她经常参加英语演讲比赛.she takes part in English speech contest_______ ________. The school newspaper______(reporter)the speech contest in detail yesterday(用所给单词的适当形式填空She wanted this meeting to be a______(succeed)one 圆的证明题(自己画图也能画出来)1.AB是圆O的直径,AD平分角BAC,角ABC=40度,求角ABD2.两圆相交于AB两点,过AB的直线分别交两圆于CDEF求证CE平行于BF3.AB为圆O的直径.玄CD与AB的延长线交与点E,AB=2DE, 东南亚各国城市的分布有何共同点? 东南亚的城市分布东南亚的大城市分布在大河沿岸地区的有利条件和弊端有哪些? 东南亚 的城市主要分布在哪里?是 东南沿海地区和河口三角洲地区吗? This in the house where iwas bornThis is the house where i was born.关系副词where可不可以改成关系代词that为什么?讲清楚点分析分析各成分 ( )of the students in class 3 is going to take part in the Engish contestA.all B.both C.every one D.every为什么选C? ( )of the students in our city are going to take part in an English cotest tomorrow( )of the students in our city are going to take part in an English cotest tomorrow.A.HundredB.Two hundredC.Two hundredsD.Hundreds It was this house where I was born.是主从还是定从?it做形式主语不是代替主语从句的么变成where i was born was this house但是又感觉像是定语从句,先行词是 house,where在从句里地点状语,像个关系副词引导 电角度是什么意思,交流电流为正弦量i=Sin(wt+初相角),这个公式理解 第3小题数学题 24题的第二小题还有25的第三小题尽量用初二内容把。证全等还有四边形的一些性质。写两大题的最后一小题就好了。 东南亚的大城市分布在什么地区 I took part in the b______ 100-metre race.这个空格填什么? -I heard Daming took part in the high jump yesterday -_____,and______.A.So he did;so did IB.so did he;so I did C.so he was;so was ID.so was he;so I was也要分析