
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:36:11
6.I'm very sorry.I forgot _________ my homework today.A.to bring B.bring C.bringing D.brought 请选择,并说明理由, 6.I'm very sorry.I forgot _________ my homework today.应该选哪个,请说明理由A.to bring B.bring C.bringing D.brought 有这些选项可选 1.——I `m sorry I forget to bring my homework here.——_______.A.Not any more B.You`re welcomeC.Not at all D.That`s right2.Shoots j_______ come out.They are small and short.3.This fable h_______ in the forest long long ago.4.Last night I had a w 华尔街英语英孚英语 x-1分之x+2 除 x^2-x-6分之x^2-2x+1 减 x^2-9分之2x+6 Lucy,would you like to ( ) your dictionary here?A:bring B:take 选择哪个? Sally,I need my dictionary.Can you ( ).A-bring me it.B-take me it.C-bring it to it.接上面的D-take it to me.还有一个问题,It is warm ) the sun in winter.A-in,B-under,C-below D-on 外星人会统治地球吗 假如某一天地球被外星人统治了……这是好事还是坏事?谁要是能证明对地球人是好事我才会选。 外星人会在2012统治地球么 独立思考能力的理解请一两句话概括,字数少为好.还有,独立判断能力和怀疑能力的理解,要求同上。 逻辑思维和理解能力不错 但是空间想象力很差怎么办?但是很基本的空间想象图想出来都很模糊 严重的打击了我以后学理的信心. 怎样提高我的数学理解能力 思维的拓展.我老是在一个数学问题上扭转半天,其他同学都理解了 我就是老是想钻细节,老是想为什么,就是缺乏理解能力.还要物理和化学的思维能力 好像还是不 表示对人一定认真记住 是什么词语 How much do you ___book?A.spend B.pay C.take D.pay forHow much do you ___book?A.spend B.pay C.take D.pay for 请说明原因, 描写人工作勤奋、认真的词语(至少四个) How much did you pay for the book?how much 做什么成分?How much did you pay for the book How much did you spend on the book how much 在句子里做 什么?状语么?第一句 pay for 的宾语 应该是book ,how much (money) 我认为是做句 表现人认真、投入的词语 much book did how for pay the you?联句哦 _________it the TV?It's 2000 yuan.A.How many B.How much C.How about D.How big 请问选哪个? A:How much is it in____mony?B:About 400 yuan Yesterday i caught him_________my dictionary when i went into the classroom.为什么填写taking而不是being taking (足用)括号内的两个字合一起怎么读啊? my classroom enjoyed _______in the park yesterday(填入反身代词) Tom was ( )duty yesterday,but he forgot toclean the classroomin on at of “盱眙”这两个字怎么读? I have left my dictionary in the classroom 主动变 被动语态 英语翻译저항 英孚和华尔街英语哪个好?怎么选择? 华尔街英语和英孚英语那个好一些?都采用什么教学方式? 妈妈说我的年龄是你的4倍女儿说我比你小24问妈妈和女儿各多少岁? 小学三年级的问题 只有聪明的才能进来一家供电公司分时电价执行时段分为平、谷两个时段,平段为8:00-22:00,14个小时,谷段为22:00-次日8:00,10个小时.平段用电价格在原销售电价基础上每千瓦时上浮0.03元,谷