
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:13:43
黑格尔认为近代形而上学具有甚么特点如题 漫反射时,法线还是垂直的吗 漫反射,法线.入射线.反射线.在不在同一平面? 怎样确定法线的位置 I still remember my first teacher ____ we haven't seen each other for many years.A.for BI still remember my first teacher ____ we haven't seen each other for many years.A.for B.because C.since  D.though i still remember skating with ny brother on the ground_____A at the first time B for the first time I still remember the first time ( ) i met her.填啥?(可多选)why?填关系代词哦! the rain ____for nearly six hours yesterday.A.fell B.kept C.blew D.lasted倒底是用kept还是用lasted, Dou you still remember the first time we meet? The rain poured down for hours.(同义句) It ________________ _______________ for hours. rode for five hours in the rain He waited in the rain ( )hours 大家练口译一般在哪里练呢?是自己一个人在房间里练,还是在哪儿?如果住的集体宿舍,肯定不方便练, 初级口译怎么练自己在外面想报个口译初级的培训班,以后想考个口译证.但现在想在报班之前有一点口译基础,自己一直在网上找一些听写的素材,但一句话有时候要放2,3遍才能听懂并记下,但 不知道什么叫漫反射,虽然已有答案,但我想要更具体点的 十万火急,关于英语CATTI三级口译我想请问下考三级口译实务时,请问第一题是A说完就翻还是AB的对话全完了才翻,二三题分别是汉译英,英译汉,各自有好几段,是一段说完就译还是整篇文章读完 1、"Do you have anything more -------,sir?" " No you can have a rest or do something else."something else."A typing B to be typed c typed D to typed 2、"Good morning.Can Ihelp you?" "I would like to have this package _____ ."A be weighed B to be we 萨特,海德格尔,尼采等我对哲学还是个菜鸟,我想读些书.大家认为我应该读哪些人的书呢?尼采,海德格尔,萨特…我对存在主义哲学更有兴趣 尼采和海德格尔有关“在”的不同观念 尼采和海德格尔有关“在”的有关意义的不同观念. i cant remember a time wont have you in my mind中文意思 为什么要搞西部大开发? 为什么要西部大开发? 剑桥商务英语考了有什么用?有这个证以后的待遇怎样 look the farmers are still working ——the heavy ralook the farmers are still working ——the heavy rain.a.in b.under c.on d.below 这种英文署名是什么字体? 一.1,电子商务 2.传统商务 3.b2b电子商务基本概念 4.一.1,电子商务2.传统商务3.b2b电子商务基本概念4.物流概念5.市场营销概述6.网络营销概述二.简答题1.我国电子商务的现状及特点2.我国b2b电子 《尽管外面下大雨,他们还是决定出门.》 (____) the heavy rain ,they (___)《尽管外面下大雨,他们还是决定出门.》(____) the heavy rain ,they (___) go out. But for the heavy rain,they _____earlier选项:a、will have comeb、camec、would have comed、had come They had to drive slowly ( ) the heavy rain 根据汉语意思完成句子 我不想在你前面插队 l dom't want to cut in line ______ _____ ______ you. I,a,is,no,where,place,school,there,go to,want to连词成句