
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 22:38:41
初二历史解答!快!英国革命和法国大革命"不仅反映了它们本身发生的地区即英法两国的要求,而且在更的程度上反映了当时整个世界的要求".这表明,英法资产阶级革命的成功标志着()A.新社 一、 今年奥巴马当选美国总统后,小李开始对美国产生兴趣,他搜集了一些关于美国历史的材料.①《林肯演说集》(译本)②《华盛顿传》(传记)③《攻克里士满》(电影)④《独立战争揭 单选题,英语 我们的孩子怎么啦?年龄16岁)物理模拟测试试题及答案问:洒水车洒水时的速度为8km/h,它要洒完全程为2km的道路,要花多少时间?答:8÷2=4(h)要花4小时.可能有抄袭的现象,一个班居然有10多个这 help sb.to do sth ,那个to是不是可以省略啊 do是不是就代指动词原型啊?无 英语中动词只能跟DOING STH 还有只能跟TO DO STH 还有 只跟SB (to) do sth 为什么动词后有的接sb to do sth 有的接sb do sth? 薄有哪些多音词 much和 very 修饰比较级时候怎么区别用法Much better 为什么不说是very better 我想better 是well的比较级 为什么不是very better very 和 much 在修饰比较级的时候 怎么来区别使用? much、more的用法.more不能修饰比较级?more是much、many的比较级,more不能修饰形容词比较级,为什么?请教它们修饰名词和形容词的用法。 much very too more 中,哪个是修饰比较级? 1.much和many在修饰比较级时的区别是什么?2.如果需修饰far和cheep一类词时用什么? much可以修饰比较级吗?怎么用? 直接+动词时+doing当有sb时就加to do有哪些?越多越好. 动词+doing也可以+sb.+to doRT 最近做一套英语竞赛试题,有几题解答不来,1.Which former British colony(殖民地)has five times the land area of the UK?A.North America.B.South Africa.C.South America.D.India.2.Which of the four is lease like the other three?A.Atlas. 1 -Why can’t I smoke here -At no time __________ in the meeting room.A is smoking permitted B smoking is permittedC does smoking permit D smoking does permit2-It was too noisy outside .Not until I shouted at the top of my voice__________________his 高一英语竞赛题,做出正确答案,1:they are getting things in____preparation for____journey we have planned.A:the/the B :a/the C:/:the D :the/a2:I’m sure that if you make good use of your__time,your English will be improved in a short t 几道大学英语单选题,请大家帮帮我~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13-19 单选题13. Western countries celebrate Christmas ___ Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival.a、on the wayb、in a wayc、in waysd、on ways14. I have ____ myself to working in 大哥,大姐,请帮帮小妹做几道英语单选题!21 单选题When she found the steak was overcooked, she ____ to the waiter. a、motioned b、mentioned c、moved d、memorized22 .Being absent from class without any reason ____ a violation of cl 请帮忙做几道大学英语单选题~46—50 单选题46.- Do you know what is the weather like today?-- _____________________________.a、It sounds good.b、 It is like a fine day.c、I like the weather very much.d、It is sunny today.47.Internet See sb. do中的do是否要用动词原型? see sb. do sth.里面的"do"是不是不管主语的人称是什么,都用动词的原形啊? see sb do sth有两个动词,为什么错 关于see sb do sth的问题请问see sb do sth和see sb doing sth的区别到底是什么?麻烦各举一个例子来说明还有到底有没有see sb to do sth这个句型?I saw him( ) into the small store roomA.to go B.gone C.go D.going那么这 24-28 单选题24.I’d like to take the opposite point of view.a、tendb、 incline c、intendd、decline25.They are ___ to come sine the weather is so bad.a、likeb、unlikelyc、loved、lovely26.A:What’s the weather like today?B:________________ 1.假定在银行中存款10000远,按11.25%的利率一年后连本带息的将变为11125元,若将此存款继续存入银行,试问多长时间会连本带息翻一番?试用直到型和当型两种语句写出此程序。2.给出某班50 高一英语选择(说明理由)American Indians_____about five percent of the US populationA.fill up B.bring up C.make up D.set up 红对勾数学必修二的答案 高一英语单项选择(请说明选择理由)------------,the concert began.A.The lisheners having taken their seatsB.Having taken their seatsCHaving taken their placesD.Taking their seats 高一英语选择 说明原因1 This kind of dance show is very () on TV and is popular with () young people A common usual B usual ordinary C common ordinary D ordinary usual 请大家帮忙做几道大学英语单选题2、The council provides practical guidance and support for students____________to pursue an international study programA who wish B whom wantedC that expects D whose goal will be3、He said that it remain