
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:47:54
西班牙语版的自我介绍怎么写啊?(包括年龄,住址,家人的职业,兴趣爱好,这个寒假怎么度过.) are there in cpuntry three lights every traffic连词成句 英语翻译estoy por abrir una peluqueria canina,se que aquí donde vivo hay productos "Castland",y quiero saber si distribuyen para aca y con quien me tengo que contactar para tener sus productos.Lo que me intresa seria tener:correas,jugetes,camita "()这件事很小,()对我影响很大"哪个关联词最恰当 today is a gift这句话有什么特殊含义啊, 左边“言”右边“是”是什么字,读什么? 中译英:你更喜欢那一个小动物?________ animal do you like _______ 左边言字旁右边一个是读什么 Have you ever traveled to () provinces of ChinaA.the other B.another C.other D.othersHave you ever traveled to ( ) provinces of China?A.the other B.another C.other D.others Which tour attraction in China have you ever ____? A. traveled B. traveled to什么时候 ,问句句末的不及物动词要加介词? good life onerepublic 中文歌词如题 (十万火急啊 谁给我把这个整理一下整理后并且翻译过来)i really care about you ,i know i was wrong .i am so sorry,i admit that i am wrong .forgive me ,please .i promise i won't leave you and break the promise any more .i can't 用像……像……就像……好像……造句在下感激不尽!Thank you了 像······像······就像······好像······怎么造句?我要用这句话造句,知道的来回答吧!不是在开玩笑,写好一点! 改正句子中使用不恰当的关联词1.如果我做了充分准备,这次演讲没有成功.2.所以质量好.3.不但多读书而且有渊博的知识.4.因为我是第一次上台,但是我一点儿也不觉得紧张. have you ever been to an aquarium? have you ever traveled to an other province 为什么一个加been一个不加啊 I never understand you really care about If you really understand me If you really understand meyou should not fool me even dump mesweet morningyou are my princetruth and dreamspeciat teaHow about the final kiss Finally understand,I really do not.求翻译. 超级杂交水稻的培育过程? 请将下列微小粒子等从大到小的排序分子、原子、质子、中子、夸克、电子 分子这类微小粒子是如何从大到小排列的? 左上面是“罒”左下面不知是什么,右面是“羽”是什么字,怎么读 左“青”右“定”这个字怎么读?什么意思? 杂交水稻雄性不育保持系是N(RR),为什么不用S(RR)作父本呢?细胞质的遗传具有母系遗传的特点,与父本细胞质的可育 不可育无关,为什么不用S(RR)作父本,请求高手.问错了,我的问题是这样的 关于杂交水稻雄性不育保持系请问,雄性不育保持系(B)是如何筛选出来的,有什么明显的区分性状吗? 植物雄性不育的可能原因 雄性不育水稻是什么东西 "杂交水稻之父"袁隆平,成功培育出高产优质杂交水稻的关键是在野生水稻中发现了雄性不育株这是利用了生物多样性中的_____;设计者在进行"生物圈2号"实验的建设中,模拟了多种多样的生态系 寻《i wanted you》——Ina 歌词中文意思Lately I've been thinking about what I can do I've been stressing to fall back in love with you I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through But I can't go on this way.I've got to stop it babe You've be Let' go to see a film.改为反意疑问句 翻译i like to think that Jack would have been happy with what I did