
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 10:19:56
could后用原形还是过去式?那三单呢? could 后面是动词的原型,那么怎么分这句是不是过去式啊 咏怀八十二首其一赏析这首诗通篇写忧,却未明言,请联系当时的社会现实和作者的政治态度,说说诗人为什么而忧(求详解) 《咏怀八十二首其一》详解,讲课用的 i am in love with you 和 i am falling in love with you 什么区别 一首泰国的歌,其中有一句歌词是i am falling in love with you,知道名字的亲,是女孩唱的~泰文的~ I have never seen __picture before.A.a such beautiful B.so a beautiful C.such a beautiful What is origin of the 'Converting into Grain Rocks'? I have never seen ———— mountain before.A.a such beautiful B.such a beautiful 选项CD在补充里C.so a beautiful D.a so beautiful 选什么 但是我选的D 为什么选B? 改为同义句:I have never seen such a beautiful xity.改为:I have never seen _____ _____ ______ ______,xity应为city What is the function and origin of silk and spinnerets in spiders?RT用英语回答问题。 Queena有什么含义 Do you know the young lady_____your mother is talking?A.who B.whom C.with whom D.which如果知道答案,请说明理由. Three percent of the population is of Asian _________(origin).用正确形式填空 ---I have never seen such a beautiful beach.---______.A.So I haveB.So have IC.Neither I haveD.Neither have I In fact,I___such beautiful scenery before.A.never have seen B.have never seen C.never saw D.never 谁知道洛阳哪里有英语口语提高班? 洛阳哪里有英语口语短期提高班? 比较杂诗十二首其二与咏怀八十二首其一这两首诗所用的意象,艺术构思和创作的意境有哪些不同与相同. the origin of language (急)用英语回答这个问题 the origin of language ( what is the social function of the language Do you know the man___(chat)with our teachet 为什么填Do you know the man___(chat)with our teachet为什么填chattimg 哪里有感人的情感文章啊? 国庆节的作文 要有情感 还要加些感想 600字以上不要太成熟 也不要太幼稚 更不要太做作 Jack didn't agree to help us with our English.句型转换Jack __ __ __ue with our English 哪个英文名好听?viola跟Claire 哪个英文名好听 特别点?如果觉得都不好 那请说说其他的名字 我叫陈璐viola 读作 [vɪ'olə]mieko 怎么样?其实大家说的 Lulu Lucia Lucy 用的人太多了,.所以.,想找个 英文名 Maybee 、Queena 哪一个更好? be good with sth.和 help sb with sth 各造2个句子用初一的水平造。各造2个。 be good with sth.和 help sb with sth 各造2个句子 注意水平- 打错了 she is a tall girl意思 用一根长56厘米的铁丝围成一个等腰三角形,相邻两条边的比是3:2这个等腰三角形三条边分别是( )厘米