
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:00:54
取样电路和稳压管怎样取值才能算出输出电压为3到15V连续可调 某电动机接在220V的电路中,线圈为三欧姆,通过的电流为3A则每分钟电动机消耗的电能和转化为线圈的内能分别为多少焦耳?该电动机的效率多大?最快答出的多加20财富 Students in this school have four classes in the morning,with a 10-minute break___them.A.over B.between C.for D.among The students have the stove ______(生火)in the morning we have our morning break at 9:50am.改为一般疑问句 exercise ,go,do,some,home,i'll,before,i I'll do some shopping____ the way homeA.inB.onC.overD.at 初中关于有生成水的化学方程式有那些? 自来水厂的人员配置.具体需要哪些人员进行日常工作 蒸鸡蛋糕不加盐就凝固不起来.为什么啊.蒸鸡蛋糕不加盐就凝固不起来.为什么啊 蛋糕卷不成以卷就断怎么回事?什么原因 做蛋糕不发怎么回事 谁知道什么情况下必须用分压接法? 开关电源的作业,谁会,指点关于Uc3842(1)计算R2、R10、C1、C10、T的具体参数,(2)确定D1~D5,Q1的-+型号,说明选择这些型号的理由;(3)最后说明该电路的工作原理. 如何用平均压差法计算冷却塔气水比 有一个长4cm,宽3cm,高12cm的长方形笔筒,能完全放入长15cm的一支铅笔吗?,计算并说明理由 6级△55KW的电机.660伏空载电流应是多少? the students on duty have clsed the windows改疑问句 It's 8:10.all the students ____(have)classes the students have math at 10:00.改为一般疑问句快 自来水厂是根据什么来收费的吗 We need a lot more ingsihts like this! 怎么回复We need a lot more ingsihts like this!留言 No more like 氧化钙溶于水生成微溶于水的氢氧化钙是浑浊的氢氧化钙不是澄清的石灰水吗、怎么会是浑浊的? what classes do you have翻译成中文 英语翻译刚才的问题被吞了.我的200分. what sports do student have every day翻译 It was _____ that she couldn't finish it by herself.A.so difficult a work B.such a difficult work C.so difficult work D.such difficlt work so that 不是加形容词 such that 加名词 为什么是C It was _____ that he couldn't finish it by himself.It was _____ that he couldn’t finish it by himself.A.so difficult a work B.such a difficult workC.so difficult work D.such difficult work选D 但是错在哪?C错在哪里? Little that she was seriously ill herselfLittle that she was seriously ill herself.A.Susan knew\x05\x05B.did Susan know\x05\x05C.knew Susan \x05 D.was Susan known告诉我为什么不选择D,我有时候就判断不出来是be还是助动词 it was --------that she could notfinish it by herselfa,so difficult a work b,such a difficult workc,so difficult workd,such diffficult work加解析 work是可数名词吗?怎样判断