
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:45:23
breakfast dofridays what on you for have 连词成句 怎么连 急 ! 英语翻译You're my only one啥意思,谁给我翻译一下中文,要准确无误的翻译喔! 英语翻译 the second book was ____by August 1952,but two years later,the end was still nowhere in sihghtA completed B to have been completed C to complete D to have completed接具体时间不是应该用过去式吗 second hand books 与 used books什么区别?那“二手书”用英文翻译的话,应该用哪一个呢?百科用的是used books... 如何理解世界的物质统一性原理? 关于冬天的现代诗歌 有关冬天的现代诗歌短一点,不要太长了 If you want to see a film ,what do you need?实际情况回答 It's seven o'clock in the morning,some old people are ____ Taijiquan in the park.A.doingB.playingC.havingD.going Can you use your left hand______(draw)pictures will.是将来时,为什么还有过去式 would? 为什么这里 一个用Will 一个用would would是will 的过去式,这里是不是表过去?Will you tell me his address?Would you let me go to the movies?为什么一个用Will 一个用would would是will 的过去式,这里是不是表过去? 物理问题:已知行星密度和半径一直行星密度和半径,求一个1千克的物体在此行星上的重力是多少?在线等.有追加悬赏! 大家快来改病句.快吴厂长介绍了许多陈师傅的先进事迹.(怎么改这个病句) 修改病句 快他是我校四个市级三好生.大家听到邓爷爷去世的消息,心情都非常痛苦.这学期,我作文的水平逐渐增加了.这学期,我校开展了丰富多彩的队日.看到他的进步,同学们心里特别喜爱. we're going to (see a film).对括号提问 修改病句 快温和的阳光照进大厅,我们整在听一位科学家作报告.意味深长地科学家对我们说“你们要克苦学习,努力锻练身体,使自己成为对祖国有用的人材. i didn't go to see the film (because i had many things to do).对括号提问 Janet is going to(see a film) tomorrow.用what对括号部分提问 Sally wants to( go to a movie).对括号部分提问 a month year the is eight of august连词成句 Yes ,August is the eight month.这句话的问语是什么? 英语翻译不许使用翻译器 宇宙时物质的,物质是运动的,运动是有规律的 单选The secong book was __ by August 1952,but two years later,the end was still nowhere insight.A.completed B.to have completed C.to complete D.to have been completed为何不选D? __is the most difficult in this book. A.lesson second B the second lesson C Second lesson “这手机坏了,不能开机了” 英文翻译 宇宙间某些事物的本质规律是否是绝对不变,静止的?宇宙间某些事物的本质规律是否是绝对不变,静止的,永远存在的?,比如万有引力,.可是哲学上不是说,运动是绝对的,静止是相对的.你说:"宇宙 Do you want to see a movie?改为同义句 北京新东方寒假六级精品班.有经验的同学进.我报了今年的寒假班.听说精品班是为基础薄弱的同学开的,是这样么.而我基础并不差.那么我还有必要选择精品班么,还是换强化班来读?请有经验 "去年,我们约好了的"改病句(快,)