
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:43:17
How many students are there in the classroom?____.They are on the playgroundA No one B None C Nobody D Everyone how many students are there in the classroom?( ) They are all on the playgroundA no one B none C nobody 英语选择题 There are students playing on the playground now they are all studying in the classroomA many Bsome C any D no 加 解释 There are some students ( )the playground.what are they doing?There are some students ( )the playground.what are they doing?——Ther are playing a game.A.on the right ofB.in front ofC.in the center ofD. at the back of正确答案是C选项,为 there are ________students in the classroom.where are they?A.a lot of B.very few C.very a few D.only few 甲乙两人从AB两地他们的速度比是3:2相遇后甲速提高20%乙速提高30%甲到B地乙距A地14千米总路程多少米? 他们第一次相遇后,甲的速度提高20%,乙的速度提高30%,这样,当甲到达B地后,乙离A地还有7千米,求两地距甲、乙二人分别从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行,出发时他们的速度比是3:2,他们第一次相遇 甲乙从AB两地出发乙的速度是甲的2/3第一次相遇甲提速1/5乙提高3/10当甲到B时乙离A还有14千米问AB两地距离 甲乙分别从A.B出发,乙速度是甲三分之二,相遇后还行,甲到B乙到A后返回相遇距第一次20千米,两地相距? Would you like to go to the gym to watch the football match with us 怎么回答? Would you like to watch the football match wiht me after supper?No,I prefer ___at home to __ the footbaal match they would like to watch a football为啥like后面接to wath,不是like后面加动名词形式么? Would you like to ___ the football match?A.join B.take part in C.take part D.join in would you like to go to a football match?改为同义句回答:()()to a football match 吾的正确读音是什么 把一块长10厘米的正方体铁块,锻造成宽5厘米,高10厘米的长方体铁条,这个长方体铁条长多少,用方程解 把一筷棱长10厘米的正方体铁块锻造成宽5厘米高10厘米的长方体铁条这个铁条长是多少【用方程解】 把一块棱长10厘米的正方体铁块,锻造成宽5厘米,高1厘米的长方体铁条,这条铁条长是多少?(用方程解)5分钟后要 把一块棱长10厘米的正方体铁块,锻造成宽5厘米,高10厘米的长方体铁条,这条铁条长是多少?(用方程解)5分钟后要 把一块棱长10厘米的正方体铁块,铸造成宽5厘米,高10厘米的长方体铁条,这块铁条长多少厘米,再用方程解. 1g等于多少KM 高速公路上的Km是什么单位?比如1km等于多少公里 圆柱形罐头盒高10底面周长6.28盒侧面贴商标商标面积最大是?罐头盒最少用铁皮多少?后面的咧?我看不懂耶!用文字来描述嘛`` 一种圆柱形铁皮罐头,底面周长54cm,高5cm.在它的侧面贴上商标,重叠部分是宽度是2cm.商标的面积是多少 一种圆柱形铁皮罐头,底面周长54cm,高5cm.在它的侧面贴上商标,重叠部分的宽度是2cm.商标的面积是多少? 1GB等于多少G内存 有一个200米的环形跑道,甲、乙同时从同一地点同方向出发,甲每分46米的速度步行,乙每分146米的速度跑步则乙在d第二次追上甲用了多少分钟 “给予”这两个字……是“给予处罚”还是“几予处罚”呢是“给予处罚”还是“几予处罚”?我用智能ABC打,竟然是"给予"读"给",打”几予”竟然也有,这个字到底怎么读啊~ 惩罚的读音 800M等于几G, 把“I will watch the volleyball match"改成疑问句还有,他的肯定回答和否定回答,还有“They will be late for the match""It will begin at three o'cloc" "Guangming will win''改成疑问句还有他们的肯定回答和否定回答 1260M等于几G把M G GB KB那些进录告诉我 晚点回达都行。