
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:04:36
在横线上补全英语单词!Peter didn't do w_____in PE.He was not s______ than the o_____ boys in his class.So he wasn't h______ .He could jump h_____ than some of the boys,but he couldn't run faster than t___.He decided to g___ up earlier and do 补充横线上的英语单词..例:I like s____.(横线上补 inging ,变成singing)She put the letter i__ the envelope,she r____ it to her mother.Then she wrote the a______ on the envelope,but she made a mistake a_____.She wrote it to her a______ i 给横线上补全英语单词today is S--------- .An o --------- man wants to man wants to cross the street . it is r----- light he stops it is g----- light now,but he hurts his i-------- he Canton w----- . ap------- comes and helps him where a 这辈子我只想嫁给你用英语怎么说? I have got an apple You often(常常) m____me in a pencil case.横线上填什么 汉译英一段话 求人工翻译~别用翻译软件和GOOGLE翻译~我的高考和会考成绩单是在我们当地招办和教育局开的的。请问我的成绩证明是否符合申请标准。 英语翻译迈克尔杰克逊对世界的爱心令人尊敬,他是世界上以个人名义捐钱最多的人,这些年,来过他家的孩子至少有百万以上,尤其是身患残疾的儿童.他说要给孩子营造一个美好的世界,他曾经 英语翻译华纳东北分公司激励机制研究摘 要民营经济的发展是中国经济持续发展的重要保证,也是社会主义市场经济重要的组成部分.随着我国加入WTO,民营企业面临的竞争对手不再局限于国内 cosplay怎么读?音标~是不是[’kつsplei]? cosplay的音标是什么?怎么读啊?请告诉一声啊,谢谢咯 cosplay的音标是什么?怎么读? Do you have an apple?这里用an对吗? 英语翻译到底是什么啊?怎么答案都不一样的,好多种答案………… ( )every day ----i go to school at eight I go to school everyday 还是I go to school every dayeveryday是形容词吧.可是记忆中又好像第一个是对的. if i were a boy 英文歌词如何念.需要中文的读法.有些单词可以不用太详细.例如 WERE 沃儿因为要唱这首歌曲. 名人读书经验短一些的,100字左右的两篇 were的读法中文 They go to school这句的成分是什么?是go to作复合谓语,school作宾语吗?但是复合谓语好像没这种情况 他们早上7.50上学 英文 They go to school ten eight 空格填什么? Children in China go to school when they are seven_____eight They go to school at 6:30 a.m.They go to school at 6:30 a.m.___ ___ ___ 求这个音标的读法..有谐音更好... They do to school (at seven thirty).(对括号部分提问) What ____ ____ they go to school? DirectX 怎么念?读音 的谐音是什么?WIN 7 自带的DX是哪个版本?WIN7 能运行 我显卡 支持DX9 3年后会不会没有平台支持? 求初中课本的音标读法,中文的谐音加嘴型,懂的分享下,我没基础, 在学音标,有音标的读法吗?求大哥大姐能给个网站或下个软件能听到音标读法的! permitted中文谐音读法,是谐音,不是音标.为标准可以拼音, Please help ____ to some B.him C.yourself D.yours 英语翻译If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d roll outta bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted then go Drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I’d kick it with who I wated And I’d never get confronted for it.Cause they’d 英语翻译帮把 beyonce的《if i were a boy》这歌歌词翻译成中文 做个好人吧.哪位英文好的 以后一定好好学英文.