
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:51:04
急需英语课前talk show高中水平的,让人能听懂, There was once a boy whose greatest dream was to have a rocket and launch it to the moon全文要全文,不是翻译 寻找英语课前的one minute show..老师规定每节课前都要有个“one minute show(一分钟的秀)”,可以读英语故事或笑话,还有的人用英语介绍了一部电影,这几天就该我了(或者和同桌一起),但是不知 catherine is one of the brightest students who have graduated from the depatment of computera :has graduated b:have graduated; Mary is one of the brightest students who ()from our school.A has graduated B have graduated Things might have been much worse if the mother _______ on her right to keep the baby.A:has been insistingB.had insistedC.would insistD.insisted This man might have needed the umbrelia for __later during the day but preferred to give it to me填代词 I might have lost some important things是什么意思 The child cried because she left_____(fright). She _____ more about the boy怎样补填A need to knowB need knowingC needs to knowD needs knowing The more she thought about it,___(就越别扭) she felt .(depressed) 单选题:The more she thought about the whole incident,______.选项:a、the sadder he grew b、the more sad she grew c、he grew sadder d、the sadder grew he 英语翻译1.有较强的组织能力活动策划能力和交际能力,参加本地电台广播多次.自己策划方案.2.有较强的语言表达能力,如:曾多次作为代表,在大型活动中发言.3.有较强的团队精神在同学中,有 "how have you how have you been?你一向可好?这里的have是什么动词?实义动词?肯定不是~行为动词?是什么?助动词?还有这里been里做何解?表示一直以来么?是什么词性? 英语:我需要进一步了解这些课程.I need to ______ ______ more about these courses. 急求高级口译听力教程的4个sample test的MP3和高级口译教程的MP3(第三版)听力教程的前面16个单元的听力我都下了,但是没有后面sample test的.一楼同志辛苦了,但是没有高级口译教程的MP3 .还有, 高级口译教程(单指口语)好难,无从下手 ,怎么用?看里面的文章好长好长,词汇四字成语,中文用词非常雅,怎么学这本教材? 高级口译听力教程的4个sample test的MP3和高级口译教程的MP3(第三版)听力教程的前面16个单元的听力我都下了,但是没有后面sample test的.还有,求口译教程的所有听力~ 高级口译教程(第三版)音频MP3 Hi ,How have you been ? 是什么意思? How have you been nearst是什么意思 China's national defense, open & self-confident翻译在线等候~~~ 英语翻译快 Nobody heard of the story(完成反义的附加疑问句) Your brother has music shows in the hall.改为一般疑问句 自动化控制中为何使用负反馈,负反馈有何特点? 自动化控制中正负反馈有什么区别 简述反馈控制电路与负反馈电路的区别 That man is only 25,but he ____ old. 上海中级翻译 词汇书 笔译和口译要分开买吗 There are too many people in the world,say that like you too much.Real heart to you,too little too little.说的是什么,