
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:26:19
when I walked____the park,I saw a man____the guitar there A past ,playing B passed, play C past ,to play D passed,playing The Guitar Man 歌词 杭电ACM2006提示Output Limit Exceeded,Problem Description给你n个整数,求他们中所有奇数的乘积.Input输入数据包含多个测试实例,每个测试实例占一行,每行的第一个数为n,表示本组数据一共有n个,接着是n 2010年6月大学英语六级准考证查询 准考证号:420200101200113 有查到的麻烦截屏下来! 标准差是直接方差开根号,还是开根号号还要除以根号n啊?不要只给答案,说下原因哈,直接开根号的,和开根号后除以n有什么区别? 此题课本上没有详细说明 21世纪人类和世界有多大的改变 21世纪初,.世界乒乓球运动发生了哪三大变革? they,china,interested,in,that,so,were,,visit,came,every,year连词成句 We can see four windows __ the wall___our room 如果登记表中的电话号码一栏填“to be advised”是什么意思? we all advised him not to be out of school翻译过来是什么意思 考研数学12年真题70分,第一道解答题不会,我该咋学啊 He can not find his way home,he __ __ __ __the policeman for “海纳百川,能容为大”的后一句 亿往昔,懵懂无知;品今朝,年少轻狂;望未来,海纳百川!对对子!求下一句 海纳百川,有容乃大;的下一句 海纳百川有容乃大下一句 什么情况下送郁金香 The man found the boy ____ by his parents.A.abandoningB.abandonedC.having be abandoned The boy suddenly found his model ship______(miss)答案是missing,原因?不懂的请不要回答 -did you find tie missing man in the flood?-no,but we______many times to get in touch him ever since.a.tired b.had tired c.are trying d.have tired为什么呢?b不可以吗? Could you tell me___(在哪里)you found the missing boy?(it) 刘师傅沿一块长方形地步测,长走180步,宽走50步.已知刘师傅平均每步长度0.7米,试着估算着块地的面积. The next morning he was found ___A____ in a cold lake A dead B die C death D dying 点解选择A? 关于《黄河颂》1.诗人从自然特征、________、黄河在历史上对中华民族的贡献等方面赞美了黄河的英雄气概,表达了作者对母亲河的_________的思想感情2.组诗《黄河大合唱》的作者是光未然,原 补全对话 A:Can I help you B .Yes,( ) .I’m()for a shirt ( ) myselfA()()do yo补全对话A:Can I help you B .Yes,( ) .I’m()for a shirt ( ) myselfA()()do you want:B :Size 40A:()() do you like best B:BlueA:How () this on 刘师傅沿一块长方形地步测,长走180布,宽走50步.已知刘师傅平均每步长度0.7m,试估算这块地的面积.要算式.快! 如图,一张矩形纸片ABCD,沿EF折叠,使B落在AD上的M处,这时,A落在N处,AE=MD,EN=3cm,MN=4cm(1)求矩形纸片ABCD的面积;(2)求线段BF的长.急!快!在线等! please be advised that a fee of Us75.00 will be charged . 鲜牛肉煮熟后的重量只有原来的20分之13,要得到煮熟的牛肉26千克,需要鲜牛肉多少千克? 提倡 造句