
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 18:30:03
在太阳光下喷水雾制造彩虹,应面对还是背对太阳?为什么? 英语翻译 Ture 例句1.Do you think she is Danish(Swedish)回答1.I‘m not sure,She may be Swedish.回答2.I'm not sure,She may have been Swedish.书上说he may be=他可能是,he may have been=他可能已经是,照这样翻译,两句回答就是1.我不确实, 真正的男人英语是应该说是real man还是 genuine man 冬天在教室脚冷怎么办 冬天坐教室里怎么让腿脚暖和 怎么让冬天的教室变暖和就是在教室里不会让学生们冻着 而且可以不穿衣服 you must study hard and not ___(浪费) time We must study hard and get much K_____ 小红忘记了“yù”这个字怎么写,他应该直接到字典正文的( ;)面按读音去找这个字,弄清它的写法. You can't imagine ____ when they received the presents.A how exctied they were B how they were excitedC how exctied were they You can't imagine _________when they received these nice Christmas presents.A.how they were excited B.how excited they were 不是应该陈述语序吗 为什么选B2.I remember ______this used to be a quiet village. 为什么用when 不用where, 【宾从】You can' imagine ( )when they received these nice Christmas presentA.how they were excited B.how excited they wereC.how excited were they You can't imagine __when the pupils received these nice presents on children's dayA how they were excited B how excited they were C how excited were they D they were how excited 鹬蚌相争所阐述的道理是? 您好 What jobs are they?这句语法有错吗 He worked on his friends to heip her.这里的work on怎么翻译? the extra I am earning goes on travel to work这里的on不理解是什么意思,不要把on的所有意思都搬出来,我有字典自己会查,我只想知道它在这里是什么意思.以及它在这里的词性. waiters是什么意思?No,they waiters't.What are their 一定要正确!是No,they aren't. 暗影格斗2第二张地图几级开 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树( )开. 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树什么开 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开(千树万树什么意思?) ______(trave) from one place to another is very tired 下联:五十六朵花开 五色十光六合春 求上联 上联:《游子吟》《乡愁》,《静夜思》《荷塘月色》 求下联 韭菜是叶吗? 一种长得很像韭菜的蔬菜,叶子比较小,叫什么呀 At the age of 16,She became a model.求翻译 iwang li’s father has taught english here since he graduated from peking un 忽如一夜春风来千树万树梨化开赞美什么 五十六朵花开 五光十色六台春 求个上联 五十六朵花开五色十光六和春的上联是什么