
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:02:52
people all s____that the fast food has too much fat 正方体的投影我跟我的数学老师谈论了很久,都一个多月了,他就老是说我的答案不对.希望GGJJ们说说正方体在太阳光线下的投影.急 如果答案很合理的话,到底有哪些可能性. 正方体的投影可以是什么? 这正方体为什么是斜投影三视图 为什么与正投影相比,斜投影具有较好的立体感,但是,斜投影不能反映物体的真实尺寸 soon和in a short time都有立刻的意思,怎么区别?请举必个例子.如题. 真正的动物象牙和海象牙怎样区别? 什么样的象牙被称为血牙?血牙又有什么优点吗?象牙里有被称为血牙的.我想了解下什么叫做血牙.血牙有哪些特点...怎么辨别呢 象牙血牙什么价格 有那些来源于动物的奢侈品?像象牙之类的,需要猎杀然后从动物身上取得的. 大象除了两条象牙外,嘴里还有没有牙?如果果有牙,一共有几颗? please don't make any noise the child is sleeping.Aif Bthough Cwhile Dfor这个问题应该选C选A为什么不可以 My love for you is the endless missing什么意思在推荐几个关于思念的英文句子(用在Q签名上) Don't make a ( ).The boy is sleeping.选项Anoisy Bnoisily Cnoise Dmore noisy 英译中:Love is am endless mystery for it has nothing else to explain it Don't wake the () child up. A.bad B.asleep C.sleeping D.sleepy 求歌词:男歌手唱的第一句英文歌词好像是let"s go yes i know? how do you deal with your pocket-money remain seated为什么有这种说法?be seated 是不是表被动?那被谁坐下? remain your parents give you a lot of happiness but they never ask for money 有错吗 下列图形:1、线段2、直线3、圆4、梯形、5长方体,其中投影不可能是线段的是 计算机图形学:任意空间线段只有在其投影与平面投影有交点时才可能发生遮挡对不对?如果线段本身就穿过平面,那样即使是线段的投影也应该在平面投影内部,并没有与线框相交,但是却发生 remain seated和remain to be seated有什么不同 remain后面为什么跟了to beshe remains to be my friends 别人讲的是remain是个不及物动词,后面应该跟to be不是跟个介词to 就可以了么?怎么又来了个be呢. He told us the great wrong which had been done to him.拆分成两个句子. How to spend your pocket money reasonably这个编对话怎么编? I was kind of a surprise.请分析句子I was kind of a surprise.把kind of提取出来,就变成了I was a surprise.我是惊喜,很怪的感觉.I was a surprise.有这样的句子吗,对不对啊no,no,我看错了啊,应该是It was kind of a s It was kind of -was Tom sorry for what he'd done?- not really.it was just like him! he made it from the wood of a special kind of tree he made it ---the wood of a tree填from也没有be呀 make the fence out of strong wood这句话翻译