
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:06:28
night life英语口语类似于EVENING ACTIVITIES的一个口语话题希望大家能给我点提示·自己能力问题词汇 组织有限就是可以在CLUB和朋友一起然后在家上网 和家人分享欢乐的时间 ===词汇不用太深··· Everything from soup to nuts MATBLE的解压中出现了This installer must be run from CD#1,Please insert that CD and try again怎么弄 星球用英语怎么说? 星际争霸用英语怎么说 外星球用英语怎么说 星球的英语怎么说?除了star那一类的. 星际争霸的人族用英语怎么说 英语翻译几个月前,我向大家展示了我关于创新精神的一些意见今天,让我们谈谈另一种生命的品质我的主题是生命需要疯狂(请相信我,这与李阳无关)这是一个伟大的世界,这个世界拥有许多 在一个遥远的星球 英语怎么说 what are his parents?They _____ English teachers. 西江月 夜行黄沙道中这首诗作者表达了什么(情感)? please tell me( )chinese historyA.about B.for C.with D.to I usually hand in my homework late because I put off doing it until the last minute帮我翻译一下 有一首英文歌曲,有段歌词:I have learn my lesson well这首歌名是什么?谢谢有能回答的 all the people present have agreed to the plan.agree on 为什么? I agreed to ____ to have a child,and then give the baby to a childless couple.(A) pay (B) be paid (C) be paying (D) have paid该选择哪个?又是为什麼?When I was nineteen,I really needed some money.I agreed to ____ to have a child,and then give How has your week been by the way?怎么翻译 how are you 和how has your week been so far区别以及回答的完整的句子 TesTPattern92:the job has been cencal是什么意思 evergreen的中文意思?有一句歌词,是“Look at me,under the evergreen”这个Evergreen作为名词是什么意思?在另一句歌词“And make it Evergreen”,它又是作为副词, "Has John finished the job " "No,and it ( ) tow hours ago."A should be finished B should have been finished 这道题是虚拟语气是来习题 ,为什么不是A evergreen是是什么意思? the question being settled和the job finished,同是被动.为什么前者加being啊? evergreen warranties是什么意思 Neither John nor his sister has finished___homework.A.his B.their C.her D.our 怎么觉得不对啊,应该是A或C吗?主语应该是哪个? reading,has,the,newspaper,finished,Lucy(连词成句);is,who,my,island,else,on(连词成句) The day after tomorrow I will go to a piano I ___.2`Lucy is studying for the test for the w__ day. The weather in chian is___that in Japan A.difference from B.difference from C.different from Each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and c翻译上面这篇文章 But for the guidance of our instructor(导师) , we ___ in the experimentA. shouldn’t succeed B. could not have succeed C. will not succeed D. should not have succeeded 英语翻译论张天翼讽刺小说中的市民形象摘要:张天翼把关注的目光投向了都市的市民阶层,以其对丑陋国民性的深刻批判,犀利明快的讽刺艺术展示了都市市民的人性心理.张天翼师承鲁迅“