
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:26:59
the new car has been here for several days____is it 1.where 2.what 3.whose 4.who The man reachd to the airport at ten.改错 a present for parents whose child has resenting been born might show a paper cut of children. HE的所有格是什么谁告诉我马上给他分 towns是什么意思 为什么说新文化运动不是反帝反封建运动?洋务运动 戊戌变法 辛亥革命 新文化运动分别反帝吗?反封吗? i don't mind ——up early in the morning.getgettingto getgot给出理由 GOOD GOOD STUDAY!DAY DAY UP! 辛亥革命没有一个彻底的反帝纲领体现在 “丝绸之路"最初的兴起是因为何种货物? 怎样才能 good good day day up 三菱慢走丝线割机AR角度旋转操作步骤! 你好,关于慢走丝,你说的割一修一和割一修二是什么意思?你说的小孔到底又是多大的孔呢? 沙迪克慢走丝用四刀割小圆孔为什么修刀修不动? my life will be a lot___?A.good B.well C.better Dbest为什么??? 英语翻译then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. 英语翻译这不是我的书翻译成英文的 You will be working.的否定句和疑问句 英语翻译这样翻译对吗?你们有更好的译法吗? I believe working hard will finally be prepared said 后面用will 还是wouldhe said he (will/would?). 1:People k___ a dog for its meat1:People k___ a dog for its meat yesterday2:It's s___ outside .Let's make snowmen after it stops3:Could you please take a ____ for him 麻烦翻译一个句子 They should both chow down on puppy chow Killy Chow翻译中文 渺渺钟声出远方,依依林影万鸦藏.一生负气成今日,四海无人对夕阳.猜一动物 吟到恩仇心事涌,江湖侠骨已无多.一生负气成今日,四海无人对斜阳 这首诗的出处,意思吟到恩仇心事涌,江湖侠骨已无多.一生负气成今日,四海无人对斜阳 这首诗的出处,意思 引用“一时负气争今日,四海无人对夕阳”是什么意思 一时负气成今日 四海无人对夕阳是什么意思 answer可数吗? answer可数还是不可数 the river ___to the east.it is the second largest接下去看river in the country里面的空格应该填run 还是 runs 说出理由 What will we see in Guilin