
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:29:43
连词成句slice,put,then,some,roll,chicken,into,of,a,and,pancake,it. 连词成句:slice,put,then,some,roll,chicken,into,of,a,and,pancake,it. 翻译美国地址1025 S.MISSION ST MT PLEASANT.M.I 48858 USA是密斯根洲的一个地址 要准确答案 李军两个字的英文怎么写 CA开头EL结尾的牌子是什么答案在这些字里,没有的就不对 以el开头ps结尾的英语单词.谁知道 以el开头ps结尾的英语单词RT 请问here are coat for young people,here coat are for young people都可以吗? 托福听力走神怎么办?背单词+做听写+多做题 我想找一个女生高傲的英文名字 英译汉."You are just as likely to have a hen thrust into your lap as a small child." 向佛许愿后怎样还愿我向佛许了2个愿望,现在2个愿望都实现了,我相信是佛的保佑,因为这两个愿望在我看来是很难实现的.我没有去寺庙,只是默默的在心里许愿,现在是不是需要到附近的寺庙 求佛教的祝福语,或者祈愿的偈子我想找一些用佛家说法的祝福父母、亲人、朋友、师长的诗句或者偈子.我要十种:1、祝福或者祈愿父母的,或者报答父母恩的?2、祝福或者祈愿健康长寿的?3 因为是女子所以必须高傲.的标准英语咋表示?想把这闹成空间名字. cut into your hand 例句:The edges on the 10-inch iPad can cut into your hand if you're the sort who carries yours wherever you go.Not so with the mini.是不是有什么口语惯用的说法 Never let your 我写作业老走神,怎么办? 在家写作业走神怎么办 孩子写作业容易走神怎么办? 做作业走神我该怎么办做作业经常想一些事, 做作业走神怎么办?我都高三了,可每天做作业的时候总是会想到别的事.很苦恼. Five workers_________(被困)in the mire for 10 hour last month few,a few ,some ,many的用法 请问 question 前用 a.an.some?那个? some question People should try to keep fit 的同义句 1:people should try to keep fit改成同义句.2;watching tv isn t good for me改成同义句.3:daniel goes swimming 【twice a week】对打括号的句子提问.4:l dance 【two hours】对打括号的句子提问. Doctors say people should keep o_____________填词 in respect 和in that respect区别 What is you favourite lesson?同义句 I'll never forget the days ___I spent with Mrs Brown ,my spoken English teacherA.which B.when C.those D.whose my favourite lesson is English里有错误吗?lesson和Eglish为什么不+s?如题.