
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:27:14
she had't been there before 与 she had nver been there before 有什么区别? 1.假如地球只公转,不自传,还会有昼夜交替吗?为什么? 如果地球只自传没有公转会有什么现象 不怕冷的动物有哪些? Bob and I both have two balls.判断:we have four ballsBob and I both have two balls.判断:we have four balls They are from England.(同义句转换) 植物王国的秘密作文 作文《植物与五色糯米饭的秘密》要求600字数左右. The twins likes playing football错在哪里 This twins likes playing football 哪个错了 all of the boys ____playing football.a:like b:likes have both、both have 、both has 、 to,for,词语ing形式,的用法!to,for,词语ing形式该怎么用,顺便问一下英语该怎么复习(我是初一的),如果有(仁爱版)初一语法(好的话)我就追加(追加分按答案好坏决定),小弟在这里谢过各 Students usually get up early in places( ) there are many buses in the street,Students usually get up early in places ( ) there are many buses in the street,A、that B、where C、who D、which There are many cars in the street 同义句 There are ()()()cars in the street谢啦谢啦 谁能帮我找一下英文电影中的三人对白,时间三到五分钟,最好有英文字幕的,有视频的地址最好也告诉我,视频片段的, 编一段英语课三人的对话,就是表演三个人初次见面,分别介绍完自己后,一个人说你们可以介绍一下自己的家乡吗?,然后就依次介绍一下,分别是唐山、北京、宁夏的.最后来个总结性的小句子就 我们英语课要表演对白,求三人的电影对白,情节好一点的,时间3-4分钟 Are there many buses and cars there?这句是正确的? there are many buses,cars and b_____in the streets of Shanghai there are many buses , cars,and b___in the streets of Shanghai 的首字母填空 下面文章中的比喻句和拟人句在哪里?清晨,乳白色的雾气迷迷蒙蒙,村外的溪水传来淙淙的响声.小院的篱笆上开满了繁星一样的牵牛花,鲜红的、天蓝的、淡紫的……真像一只只彩色的小喇叭, _____the large amount of time devoted to listening every day,many students do not listen effectively.A.Because of B.Instead of C.Despite D.Though 羊吃草的启示中的一个比喻句、拟人句、反问句、过渡句 和有句话点名了作者写这篇文章的目的是那句话?在6:30分之前的满意答案悬赏分为30!!~~~~之后的奖没有或10悬赏分 they spent as much time as they could___their lessons A preparing B prepare C to prepare D prepared为什么? 一篇文章内有一个比喻句也有一个拟人句这样写有什么好处 In order to find the real__of bird flu,scientists spent a large amount of time on it.(reason/cause)选哪个为什么 实际消耗的功率怎么求 什么最消耗热量 什么是消耗功率 消耗的功率是什么 there are many houses in the village.(怎么改为一般疑问句?)