
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:34:33
谁可以帮我英语?动词变名词 如act---(actor) 并赞同 请用1 2 3 .789回答1 teac---( )2 clean---( )3 report---( )4 wait----( )5 dance---( )6 write---( )7 drive----( )8 play----( )9 climb----( ) Act in English的意思是 每个人都想健康和强壮 用英语翻译 下面的英语题怎样选择?请说出理由I want a sweater _________ this red one A,looks like B.look like C.like D.likes 《小王子》主要内容,100字左右~磕头~ 我是很渴望幸福的人?用英语怎么翻译这句话? 求原因 英语翻译 I am afraid to hurt theri ______(feel) “靠”字的英文怎么写,怎么读,回答马上采纳 请说明理由Ce matin,maman est sortie avec un parapluie_______ de la pluie.A à l'occasion B en dépit C sous prétexte D en prévision 昂贵的英文怎么读啊呀 英语,快的给采纳., 昂贵,英文怎么读 给采纳快英语 英语, 有几道物理题,希望大家帮帮忙哦(1),关于弹力,下列说法正确的是( )A.压力是物体对支持面的弹力,方向总是垂直于支持面B.只要物体发生形变,就一定有弹力C.用力压桌子,桌子是坚硬物体,不会 路人甲有两个电阻R1和R2,一只R1=3R2,他将这两个电阻串联起来接入电路中,用电压表测出R2两端的电压为6V,则R1两端的电压为( )A.18V B.12V C.6V D.2V thank you for ____me to your party.(invite) Thank you for your _____(invite) to your birthday party. Thank you for _____(invite) me to your party. 宇航员在围绕地球做匀速圆周运动的空间站中处于完全失重中,下列说法中正确的是( )A.宇航员仍受重力的作用 B.宇航员受力平衡C.宇航员受的重力正好充当向心力 D.宇航员不受任何作用力 ()your parents()(invite)your classmates to the birthday party? 一道选择题(请说明理由,)下列句子省略成分与其他三项不同的是( )(说明理由)A.温故而知新,可以为师矣.B.有时朝发白帝,暮到江陵C.林尽水源,便得一山 D.悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间 英语翻译我妈妈以前常常在六点前起床my mother _____ _____ ______up before 6 o`clock 你妈妈在六点三十分起床吗?怎么翻译 某质点在力F=(4+5X)i的作用下沿X作直线运动,在从X=0移动到X=10m的过程中,力F所作的功为多少?(希望给出过程讲解) 1Our teacher is friendly to us.But he is strict __________ us,too.A.to B.in C.on D.with2Peter doesn't know many people here.—___.A.So do I B.So am I C.Neither am I D.Neither do i3My cousin read a history book.__________.A.So John does B.So did John 1Over 80 percent of population of China ----peasantsA was Bis Cwould be Dare2The great writer and professor ----Ais an old man Bare both old menCis an old man and a young man Dwere two Chinese3The number of deer and wild roses ---much if people leave It's not right to fight with your classmates 英语翻译3个空 How do your classmates like your school?Do your like it?What about your friends?Do they like it?Write an aeticle to describe your school.