
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:45:40
( )18.A:The computer must be looked after well when it ______. 周礼的内容 周礼是什么?你的理解,简明一点说.《周礼》是伪书:回答者:晴空冷杉 1.铜币货币出现于东周,较周公要迟好几百年,而《周礼》已经提及铸币的衙门,提及政府要经常巡视市场,商品是否 周礼的性质是什么?周礼的性质是道德规则?还是法律规则?还是宗教仪式?还是根本大法?这是一道多选题,答案是这四种之中的一个或多个。 周礼文化是什么 周礼,周礼,我不要百度百科里的东西,和诸侯的礼就行了。是我脑残了 根据提示以“Ants"为题写一篇80左右的英语作文 提示:1.amazing,small,carry heavy things 2.family,根据提示以“Ants"为题写一篇80左右的英语作文提示:1.amazing,small,carry heavy things2.family,queen(蚁后),lay eggs 根据提示以“Ants"为题写一篇80左右的作文 1.amazing,small,carry heavy things 2.family,queen(蚁后),根据提示以“Ants"为题写一篇80左右的作文1.amazing,small,carry heavy things2.family,queen(蚁后),lay eggs,nurse ants,look Mir.right什么意思如题 MIR是什么意思 外贸 主要成分分别为Fe2O3试计算1000千克铁红中含铁的质量 is mir schlecht 意思我猜大概是 和坏了接近的意思.我很坏?还是我不舒服的意思.请学德语的朋友帮忙解释下 德国WMF中华炒锅会生锈吗? 孔子怎样推广周礼 She was tired,_______,he insisted on doing the work herself.A.but B.however 选哪个? 为什么? She insisted on doing the work herself 怎么改从句?在线等. 模拟动物人生怎么说话?我按了右下角的那个气泡,怎么发出来的是动物叫的声音?求解答 女人的简单漂亮怎么形容 if he______that he______to work there,everything would be ok now.a.insisted;besent b.insisted...if he______that he______to work there,everything would be ok now.a.insisted;besent b.insisted;was sent c.had insisted;be sent d.had insisted;was sent选 求元旦晚会开场白,节目连串词及结束语,2主持人,1男1女 =注,班级=想唱就唱=,隐形的翅膀,你是我的眼,星月神话,大海,庐洲月,你看到的我是蓝色的,认错,等下一个天亮,原谅我一次,勇气,左半 point to point line是什么意思 铁红(主要成分为三氧化二铁),试计算1000kg铁红中最多含有90%铁的质量 I don't even know who I am any more bob,you can not smoke any more.it will harm your health.---i know.i( )smokin I learned a lot when ________(work ) in the countryside.答案是working!为什么丫?3Q... He has ______ that nothing shall prevent him _____ work in the countryside.A.determined; going B.determined; to go C.decided; going D.decided; to goA & C 有什么区别 Think you for_(meet)at the train stalion 根据句意填空My train arrives at 5:00.Can you meet me at the r____ station? Mary is 8 years old.Kate is also 8 years old.(合并成一句)Mary is ____ ____ _____ Kate. casing price 是什么价格呀? 这件毛衣的价格是多少?(用price 提问) 请问90-day-price 是什么价呢?