
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:12:57
The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street ,but his mother told him ____________.A.not to          B not to do       C not do it        ---------Let's  hurry . Perhaps we can catch the train.---------It's too late now,_________.Aotherwise   B therefore   C  anyway   D  however 初一英语作文 用一般将来时写词要在80到100之间, 中华民族的历史是各民族同缔造的,其中由少数民族建立的统一王朝是?1、元清 2、宋元 3、明清 4、元明 求高中英语人教版必修一课文听力 MP3求2012年高中英语人教版必修一课文及单词朗读 (最好附上听力) MP3 加lrc字幕 急求高中英语必修一课文听力MP3!(人教版) 1.Helping others is a habit,__________you can learn even at an early age.A.itB.thatC.whatD.one2.The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent ______at the end of last March.A.has been launchedB.having been launchedC.bing l 1.It was ________that I had to wait for him in my study last night and went to bed.A.not until he came backB.when he came back C.until he came backD.after he came back2.We haven't settled the question of ______it is necesary for him to study abroad.A 求古文翻译“书之,寡人不肖,好为大室,香子止寡人也”,还有“以齐国之大具之”的“ 吾不能早用子,今急而求子,是寡人之过也. 吾不能早用子,今急而求子,是寡人之过也.这个“能”翻译成“能够”真的很牵强啊~能应该怎么翻译? 寡人不肖,好为大室,香子止寡人也.用现代汉语翻译 We all found ____ to play the game同上 八年级上册英语58页 2 We all think ____ to play the gameA.it is interested B.that was interestingC.it interestingD.that interesting为什么 香远益清词性变化远是什么词性变成什么词性?清又是什么词性变成什么词性? Alice is my friend.(改为一般疑问句) ls tAlice is my friend.(改为一般疑问句) ls that your mother?(做肯定回答) That is his sister.(改为一般疑问句)These are appIes.(改为单数句子)ls Bo word文件中如何怎样给拼音标调(如bao,我想标上三声) 怎样给WORD里的拼音标声调 诸侯多谋伐寡人者,何以待之?怎么翻译 诸侯多谋寡人者,何以待之?翻译 而假手于我寡人,寡人翻译 That is a rubber 如何改成一般疑问句? 英语翻译晋灵公造九层之台 英语作文..寒假快到了,请介绍一下自己在学习,家务劳动,旅游,运动等方面的计划,并针对自己的不足之处说说以后打算怎么改进不少于80词.参..study healthyfood exercise .本人学渣(开头结尾没给) That is Lucy.反义疑问句应该是什么样呢 谁有英语常用语法?英语常用语法能帮我列出来么? 三国演义过五关斩六将的故事 英语中的一些常用语法我英语成绩不太好,帮帮我啊 英语的常用语法有那些 4B和4A是不是同类项?什么叫常数项?次数?代数式有哪些项? 2分之a与2的5次方×a是同类项吗?为什么?如果是,怎么合并?请详细说明.