
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:59:33
下列说法正确的是.-----A:铝是人类最早利用的金属材料.-----B:铜是目前世界年产量最高的金属.-----C:大多数金属元素在自然界中以单质形式存在.-----D:日常使用的金属材料大多数是合金.Ps 快啊,现在!1我要去上学了1!选用物质错误的是?(多选题)A用废干电池中的碳棒作电极,试验食盐溶液的导电性B用鸡蛋壳代替石灰石与稀盐酸反应观察气体的生成C用热的纯碱溶液除去热水瓶胆 九年级化学,选择题1至六求答案 1、对水通电生成氢气和氧气的实验,下列叙述中错误的是 A.生成体积小的气体可使带火星的木条复燃 B.生成体积大的气体可以燃烧 C.生成氢气与氧气的体积之比约为2︰1(同温同压下)D.连接 (1)在a毫升Al2(SO4)3和(NH4)2SO4的混合溶液中加入bmol的Bacl2,恰好使溶液中的SO4-完全沉淀:如加入足量强碱并加热可得到c molNH3,则原溶液中的Al3+的浓度(mol/L)为多少?答案是2b-c/3a,其他答案我就不 豆浆被成为“植物奶”,其中还有异黄酮(C15H10O2)具有防癌功能,下列关于异黄酮说法正确的是A.异黄酮中共含有27个原子B.异黄酮中碳元素的质量分数最大C.一个异黄酮分子中含有一个氧分子D 下列两种溶液混合和能发生化学反应,且溶液的总质量不会发生变化的是( )A 氢氧化钾和硫酸B 碳酸钠和稀盐酸C 食盐和稀硝酸D 氯化铁和烧碱 下班前最后一题:)I could not persuade him to accept it,___ make him see the importance of it.A:if only (只要) I could notb:no more than (只是) I couldc:or I could notd:nor could I选哪个呢? Tom,really it is time to have you hair__ .They are so long!.a:cut b:to cutc:be cutd:been cut答案是a为啥呢.D为啥不对呢?理发肯定是TOM被理发(不会自己理自己的)被动.然后 it is time that 虚拟语气提示词那应该是 He decided to make further improvement on the computer's design __ the light of equipment of customers.a:atb:forc:ind:with哪个呢?-.- I remember __ to help us if we ever go into trouble.a:once offering himb:him once offeringc:him to offerd:to offer him记得有个句型是 offer to help sb 提供某人帮助.那应该用C了 但是C里面也有个 to 变成 him to offer to help us 英语选择题:)麻烦高手指点下:)If this __ to happen again, we __ let you off so easily.a:is..wouldn'tb:were ... will notc:was ... will not d:were...would not选哪个呢?:)另外这个句子用 is...will可以吗?感觉似乎比 英语选择题:)麻烦高手指点.谢谢Only by working hard __ to succeed.a:you hopeb:that you hopec:you can hoped:can you hope是不是选D呢?:) 摇滚英文歌推荐我喜欢backstreet boy的,还有newsboy的born again,其他的像it is my life,bye bye beautiful.请各位推荐几首符合我口味的英文歌,林肯公园的in the and,new divide我也喜欢 给推荐一些经典好听的摇滚英文歌给推荐一些经典好听的英文歌 求摇滚音乐,英文歌 有谁可以推荐好听的女声英文歌曲,摇滚风格也可,最好是欢快的,不要太吵就好了~ 好听的英文歌,不要RAP的或者摇滚的 谢谢哦经常听英文歌的人应该听过Valder Fields 要这种类型的 或者像breathless这种温暖的.谢谢哦 i often ( )my homework after dinner,but yesterday evening,.i watched tv.括号中应用do的什么形态 务必请今日内回答1.i began planning to write an essay two years ago ,but i _____enougth material at present.【B】A.haven't had B.don't have2.when the fire broke out i ____ from the table and left quickly.【填"got up" 不懂】3.i think jan 第二题英语选择题答案,并解释 (最好能在今天上午10:30回复)急求!1.What ______at the moment A.are you doing B.do you do C.have you done 2.We______onn holiday since the beginning of the month.A.were B.are C.have beeen 3.‘The job _______so quickly ,'the man said .A 再问几个英语选择题,就今天晚上选答案,People appreciate ____with him because he has a good sense of humor.1,to work 2,working 3,to have worked 4,have workingThe little village hasn't changed much___a new road and two more stores.1,exce 我想学英语,但我一点基础也没有、希望有帅哥美女、哥哥姐姐、大叔大婶.海.谢. 英语翻译surrounded by all the new couples,i yearned for mine...这是我自己翻译的,应该不错的。 英语翻译做任务是要尽心,尽量做到最完美,不要随便夸奖领导,不然,他会觉得你在拍马屁,不要随便接受领导的奖励,该接受时接受,让他觉得你很老实,心很好,值得让人信赖. 我这里有几道英语的单项选择题,我不太懂,(15)28.– There are three ( ) assistants in that ( ) shop.A.women ; shoe B.woman ; shoe C.woman ; shoes D.women; shoes 正解:A 分析:(16)29.– The computer on the desk is ( ) A.t Good evening .I___to see Miss White.-I'm sorry,but she is not in.A:have come B:come C:came D:had come选哪个?为什么?请详解 希望有讲解,不要只是答案.1.what's up there?---( ) an accident in the street A.It seems to have B.It seems to be C.There seems to have D.There seems to be2.This is the first time that Buford ( ) the dog alone ,so he is nervous.A.walks B.walk 1.I don’t know what I would be doing today if I____the novels of Dickens when I was a primary school student.A.wouldn’t fall in love with B.hadn’t fallen behind C.hadn’t fallen in love with D.wouldn’t fall behind2.Our scholl ____the student 2.The doctor and nurse of the hospital __________________ the meeting.A.is attending B.are to attend C.is to attend D.was attending 7.Among the decisions that most people make,_____________ a house is maybe the biggest one.A.purchasing B.purchase 英语选择题懂的来 谢谢`6. The farmer caught the boys_____________his apples. A.stealing B.stole C.to steal D.would steal7. I ____ ping-pong quite well, but I haven't had time to play since the new year. A. will