
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:59:46
we can get ideas of the conditions and custom of other people.翻译 请问“She's full of practical ideas.”怎么翻译? Be open to the ideas and suggestions of the people on your team怎么翻译好? 含磷洗衣粉,对身体有害吗.我知道磷是一种污染物,洗衣粉里有, 含磷洗衣粉的危害 生物题的生活体验前几年,由于生活中大量使用含磷的洗衣粉,这些磷随生活废水进入了江河,湖泊,在水体中富集,促进藻类植物的大量繁殖,许多地方出现赤潮现象,给渔民的 配制200ml密度为1.05g/cm³,7.3%的稀盐酸,需要密度为1.2g/cm³,36.5%的浓盐酸的体积是配制200ml密度为1.05g/cm3,7.3%的稀盐酸,需要密度为1.2g/cm3,36.5%的浓盐酸的体积是?好的加分,不要滥竽充数 有一段长1m的电阻丝,电阻是10Ω,现把它均匀拉伸为5m的电阻丝,则电阻变为, 1000个1k电阻串联是不是1m? 含磷洗衣粉有什么危害? Thousands of people will__if food doesn't reach the stricken city.A:hunger B:hungry C:starvation D:imagindble 选哪个? Walking around,I found the city was full of people for the festival .A wearing B had new clothes on Cdressing up D dressed up 这四个选项选哪一个,为什么不选C After the explosion,the roads are full of _____ people leaving the city A:fihtened B:fightening选那个? 较短的科学家故事50━68字就够了!60 80 非常短的科学家故事 一项工程,甲单独做20天完成,乙单独做30天完成,甲乙合作几天后,乙因事请假,甲继续做,从开工到完成任务共用18天.乙请假了多少天? 求关于班级的标语,贴在墙上的,8-10个字,最好能包括励志,信念,毅力,勤奋,塌实,志向的两条标语哦.最好能互相对称,互相弥补! 高三班级标语需要一些能够鼓舞士气的班级标语…高三的…大虾帮忙! why is a room full of married people empty? Why is room full of married people em-pty 大哥 a4纸尺寸是多少CM 注意说厘米 厘米 当公交车上全是人时. When a bus is full of people. 为什么这里用is不用are 一本字典正文内容共有1582页,总厚度为4.75 C M,字典每张纸厚几CM?快 英语翻译别搞错,是“翻译”!要正确的哦! PCB板的IPC是什么 PCB板金镍厚度测量时一般测多大的PAD?IPC有没有规定? IPC标准是否有规定PCB焊盘的推或拉力强度的数值 热爱生命的名人故事!~!~简短一些~100字左右~~最好是海伦凯勒,张海迪,或杏林子的故事~~急~~谢了~~快~~~ 名人热爱生命的小故事 The subway is always full of people ,and you can never find a seat(改为同义句)The subway is full of people( ) ( ) ( ) ,and you can ( ) ( ) find a seat during____hours,the First Department Store is always full of people.(busy) The supermarket is full of people.(改为同义句) The supermarket is( )( )people. PCB制板一般制作PCB的铜的厚度是多少?