
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:11:46
英语翻译Both figures show that the system can effectively analyze water quality.Fig.5 shows that the measured water quality remained well below the warning line (i.e.,the COD level at which additional water must be released to maintain water qual 说出巴西、阿根廷、智利和奎亚那等国家各有哪些重要农矿产品 take some small ------(change) 他告诉了我去国王街的路用 He tells me the way to king street (一般现在)还是he told me the way to king street (过去时)并说明为什么 bring a present与 take a present都可以么? ∫(ax+ 1)dx,x∈[-1,1],用定义求定积分 (如果我有钱了)作文600字 急,急,急 简单的积分∫ax²dx 汇编中DX:除法中,被除数是DX:AX,DX:AX 的“: 谁帮忙写条作文啊!——如果我有钱了 请朋友们给我推荐一些描写诉说古代人物的歌曲吧.就是类似于何炅的《看穿》,极泷的《大隋风云》《大风歌》那样的,不要那种连普通话都说不清楚的人唱的.《精忠报国》那样的 英语翻译The Germans published the first modern-style newspaper in 1690.尤其是modern-style怎么翻印? 《假如我有钱了》作文怎么写只写一种的,不要多种的 请问 the newspaper was published in Beijing,publi请问 the newspaper was published in Beijing,published once a week.中的第二个published引导的句子可以当状语吗,也就是说两个句子之间不加连词 His first suggestion was __ a newspaper.A.publish B.to publish C.publishing D.published We have not been to the Great Wall for ages.No ,I don not remember how many years ago____I lastvisited it.A it was that B was it thatC It was whenD was it when 答案选C ,为什么,但是我觉得应该用when啊? letter is printed in parts of the newspaper怎么不是covered ,published ,delivered ,有什么区别和用法? Lina doesn't help her mother at home改为特殊疑问句 翻译keeping Pleasant"He is a fool who cannot be angry,but he is really a wise man who will not.'' The habit of keeping pleasant is indeed better than an income of a thousand dollars a year.The life without cheerfulness is like the sereve winter wit 繁荣昌盛 怎么翻译 要是名词词性 作文假如我有钱了.帮我写 谁知道高原红柳阅读题答案?要第一自然段是:汽车一路颠簸,在西藏阿里的茫茫草原上奔驰那个,不是孔繁森的那篇! 作文 如果我有钱了 To ensure that no student drop out of school for lack of money.这里面为什么是lack ,而不是lacking?不是说介词后面加动词的ing形式吗? 我知道这里面的不同 阅读答案 初一下学期语文导学里的,拜求答案啊! Thank you for sharing the past four years with us,which is funny & useful,full of joy & energy in videos是什么 在电视上看新闻的英文 2:Sandy (walks) home every day(对划括号的提问)北京五中的英文:He is a good (swim)My friends are (well)(对划括号的提问)?your friends?明天别忘了把你的书带来 Don't your book her 英语翻译 同位语 举个例子 Those feelings still Liu still my heart a lthough those days we spent together has been memories.中文是什么意思?.谁知道的告诉我啊!