
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:09:33
帮我改改语法My recent three summers were spent on summer school.In 2007,I was offered a free course to imporve English skill.Since I took ESL course in Grade 10,I have to complete my ELA course during the summer of 2008.Last summer,I took Engli 帮我改改语法吧Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters,Pottery is one of the oldest human technologies and art-forms,and remains a major industry today.The first color pottery was appearing at Maya civilization.And the Chinese pottery is ma For me,friendship is mean two people can understand each other’s thoughts,they don’t need to stay with each other all the time,but when you are happy or sad,he/she could listen to you.Try his/her best to make you feel better.In this semester Engl 帮我改改语法什么的After nearly 3 or 4 mouth basketball practice,in 12th of February our team went to Mongolia for ACAMIS.It is a different experience to me; I had never play basketball before and also had never gone to Mongolia before.So eve 依诺维绅沙发 You also have been than said,i do not know you are intentionally spirit i or how...谢谢快帮我翻译一 htc innovation 这个耳机的音质如何 能听音乐不! one man's terrorist is another woman's freedom fighter 这句话该怎么翻译 新乌龙女校里的一句台词 complimentary是什么意思 complimentary close 有请大神出来 塍--这个字怎么念啊? complimentary close是什么意思 complimentary strands 根据句意和首字母填空:1、On Children`s Day we wear new (c )2、Please (s )in English in class. 塍念什么 一种电池的平均寿命是35小时,这种电池的寿命服从正态分布,标准差是5小时.一种电池的平均寿命是35小时,这种电池的寿命服从正态分布,标准差是5小时,从总体中随机抽取若干个样本,每个样本 塍读什么 一批灯泡的平均寿命是800h,标准差是40h.在其中随机抽取100个.寿命在778到834小时的有多少个?用什么方法原理做?具体的概率原理. 不准离婚 英语单词 “塍”读什么 灯泡寿命服从正态分布,µ=2000小时,σ=200小时,寿命为以下值的概率为多少A:2000-2400小时;B1470 英语单词怎样才能记得住? library和reading room有区别吗 人教版七年级上册语文的工具书哪种好?快 英语单词中文怎么才能记得住我把一份高薪职业辞了,目的就是为了考英语,我想在一年之内考完雅思,然后考口译证,可是现在我背单词真的要疯了,我求求你们告诉我怎么才能在两个月内背完2 懿笑而不信,遂止住三军,自飞马远远望之.这句话的意思是什么? 懿笑而不信,遂止住三军,自飞马远远望之.翻译成现汉语. staff-room是什么意思? John helped his mother the housework.的同义句就是这句话的同义句! (在擦浴室)The children_______ their mother__________the housework last Sunday. 怎么快速住记英语单词? please属于什么词笔记上标着int那个不是数词吗怎么能是数词呢?