
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 14:39:37
quicktime functions will be disabled because a compatible version of quicktime could not be found I just wanna to find sb ,no matter who i was ,who i am or the guy who i will I found that in the raining days... I will missing you more than usual... Maybe it's because the ra请英语大人给我法翻译一下·!谢谢刚刚字数限制,不好意思,现在是全文,是恋人写给我的·希望翻译准确点哦~谢 宾语从句引导词用法 希腊神话中的所有神列举清楚一些,要全部! Speed Training 英语翻译Do it with Speed,Quality & Passion.朋友辛苦了,只是作为口号,实在不好听.我举个例子给大家作为参照,比如:Trust&Loyalty ,翻译为讲信誉,行道义.Challenge ,Dedication,Integrity,翻译为开拓进取,无私 How do we save(节约) water?这句话怎么用英语回答啊?自己回答的再写出意思! 连词成句 do save how we water 电影speed的中文翻译是什么? we,save,do,how,water?连词成句! 可以再问一个问题波?How do we save water是虾米意思啊? How do we save water?写出答语 ————,don’t————water.Then ,use———— 老友记第七季19集joey到底不是什么啊?看半天没看懂就是他不是要拍电影然后导演要求他是什么但是他不是什么确跟导演说他是什么然后monica用肉还是什么的帮作了些东西是什么啊?然后在导 有关美剧(老友记,六人行),谁知道后来Joey喜欢上rachel是哪集?个人希望joey和pheobe配,但完全不能接受joey和pheobe这两人在一起,所以决定跳过这一段.希望知道的朋友提供详细时间段.剧情就不要 谁能介绍下老友记里面扮演Joey的演员如题,他现在还在演戏么 英语翻译i had missed a seat as a result of my lack of organisation.i had had every chance to buy a ticket the day before,while there were still seats available.what is "my lack of organization"? 翻译英语LACK.Of.Passion.成中文 英语翻译In 2001,an estimated 11.7 million people ,or 77.7 precent of the population aged 15years and over ,participated in at least one physical activety for recreation and sport.Australians also enjoy watching sporting events ,by 55 percent of a 请翻译一下Passion franck olivier. friends第五季里ross搬到joey和chandler家去以后住哪他们只有两间房两张床啊 Friends剧集中六位角色你最喜欢谁?Chandler,Ross,Joey,Rachel,Monica,还是Phoebe? what does he look like和what does he like的区别? What s______ does Peter like He likes music.请问空里应该填什么? 随着演出时间越来越近,他们之间的冲突也愈发激烈 翻译成英语怎么说 English的中文意思是什么啊?快答! 基因间隔区的概念及特征如题,IGS的概念及特征,希望能够详细一点. 请问基因间隔区指的是非编码区吧,具体怎么理解,它能不能被转录? 真核细胞的基因位于染色体上且编码区是间隔的不连续的 怎么错了 间隔基因 证实 a passion for hair 怎么翻译 being a few minutes late is no reason for dismissing her 这句话为什么是错的being 也就是前半句为什么错了