
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:21:24
It's _______ (peace)at home when the children are at school It's _______at home when the chilren are at school.(peace) 初一英语 高手进啊~!单项选择,并把所填答案的原因写出.1.My brother wants ________ a movie actor. (并把所填答案的原因写出) A. is B.be C. to be D.to is2.—What kind of movies does Maria _______? —She _______ 功利主义的管理制度,模糊了人们的道德标准?怎么回答 The local people had to walk many kilometers in order to f_ wood 填词The local people had to walk many kilometers in order to f_ woodThe local people had to walk many kilometers in order to f_ wood 复读机在学英语中起到什么作用?为什么很多人说有复读机学英语好? Many volunteers gave out food and water to the local people in Japan after the tsunarni.翻译 如图,点P是△ABC的边BC上的一个动点,PM‖AC,PN‖AB,当点P运动到何处AMPN是菱形 如图,△ABC中,AB=AC=1,角A=120°,P为BC上任意一点,PM⊥AB于M,PN⊥AC于N,则PM+PN= 胡杨树有什么优点? When we were children,we --- swimming together every day in summer Ago Bwent Cwill go Dwere going要理由 1it was his doctor who advised that he _ a holiday away from the city.A have C has 答案选A 为什么?2 it is essential that all these figures_twice.A being checked B be checked 答案选A 为什么呢? 3,在被动语态选项中,有时会是be+ the students were all ( ) home.选in还是at 初一英语作文,你去过那里旅行?和谁一起去的?写一写你的旅行经历,不少于60词关于去博物馆或者是公园的 什么是平均功利主义 When we were walking in the street,we【 】(find)a wallet用所给词适当形式填入 赞美胡杨的诗句 求带有表示数字的词语(但不是数字)就是说,除了一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十等这10个汉字,但能表示数字的意思的字或词.举例:半、偶、仨、双、群、独、单、孤、零…… 七年级上下册人教版的词语加全部拼音加解释 雁门太守行  作者:李贺  黑云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开.角声满天秋色里,塞上燕脂凝夜紫.  半卷红旗临易水,霜重鼓寒声不起.报君黄金台上意,提携玉龙为君死.唧唧复唧唧,木兰当 请教几本哲学,心里学,社会学的入门书籍来拜读我相信这里一定有饱读诗书的高人,希望能有所推荐,本人对这些知识感兴趣,但没有什么基础,所以希望大家推荐的书要通俗易懂,至少大部分普通 关于高一定语从句的问题later in the chapter cases will be introduced to readers,____consumer complaints have resulted in charges in the law.A.where B.when C.who D.which 表示猜测的词由大到小排列 表示推测的词比如 可能,或者,左右,上下 那些就是说问表示推测的词有哪些 最好要多一点的不要用英语说 英语中有哪些词表示猜测 征文一遍,要求初一水平即可内容不限,只要围绕主题.字数大于450.不要百度知道上的已知答案.200分血泪跪求. in,birds,the,flying,are,sky连词成句 据传我村王姓祖辈是明永乐年间从云南大槐树(有说是山西大槐树)迁徙至青岛建王家麦岛村.距今约600年,但由于历史原因王氏族谱损失,世系已无据可查,为了追根溯源恳求有知我王姓族谱历 This book (cost) too much ,i can't take it.用括号内单词的适当形式填空,白送分了啊怎么填别着急下面还有Jenny (meet) hei Chinese friend tonight.用适当形式填空 He regularly checked his secret drawers,_____ were stoned some precious paintings and jawels.为什么填where, 英语翻译急忙忙求大神帮翻译这句话There are no trails of the wings in the sky,while the birds has flied away.