
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:12:51
印第安人西雅图卖给白人领袖的土地是哪片领土 物理关于干冰干冰在农业生产上有广泛的应用.工厂的二氧化碳储气罐中总是混有少量的一氧化碳气体,常将混合气一通过灼热的金属氧化物发生的化学反应而去除,然后,在采用( )和( )的 英语翻译Dear Auntie Margaret非常高兴您能用英文写EMAIL给我,虽然我的英语听说能力较一般,但是读写能力还是不错的,我可以读懂全部.如果对您来说很方便,今后您都可以用英文写给我,Chloe能够攻 英语翻译The love actually certainly unhappy academic society gives up and forgot can let oneself be more joy 从今天开始我决定狠你的英文怎么说?小弟英语水平有限, 13《钓鱼的启示》父亲盯着鲈鱼看了好一会儿,父亲想到了什么?要写一段话,我明天 去年冬天我们笑的好开心(翻译英语) Eating too much barbecue will increasa the risk of cancer.是用eating 还是 eat You can sit here in your spare time.You can sit here when you're __ .A,working B,studying C,not working D,reading正确答案是D.我学的C,想请问为什么不对.这是新二第55课最后一题.请详细解答. It is 9:20 now,it is time for class.对下列句子的划线部分提问. Math is than Chinese,I think.A.more difficulter B.much difficulterC.difficuit D.much more difficult要说明的的的的的的的的的的! I think Chinese is ( )than Math.括号里填什么? 用动词适当形式填空what a pity the girl ___(miss )that important competition 测长江水COD需要预处理吗,及怎样做预处理啊, The teacher is giving order.的中文牛津小学英语书5B的第6单元A部分 the teacher is giring order 的中文意思 there's ()tiime,you don't need to hurry.为啥填plenty of?a little为什么不行 I've heard eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer.中eat为啥加ing? for time music is it class (.)怎么造句 for,it's,music class,time怎样排列 it's time ( ) music class怎么填 指出并改正句中的一处错误 2.Have a look for the pictute.3、We have many bags.Do you like it cheap.指出并改正句中的一处错误1、That hat is eight yuan2、Have a look for the pictute.3、We have many bags.Do you like it cheap. 美国第一任副总统,第三任总统是谁? we sat around the cake and saw him make a —— ——这是一道根据汉语完成句子的题汉语意思为:“我们坐在蛋糕周围,看他许愿.”make a 后面有两个空,要填两个单词 我们围坐在蛋糕周围,看他许愿.we sat around the cake and saw him a ____ ____ At the party,we sat around the table---and----A singing talking B sang laughed C to sing to speak 为什么选A 啊?其他哪错了!快! we sat around and __(watch) the teacher __(show) us how to do it.我只知道watch sb do/doing.我想知道这两者的区别是什么?还有,and前面的动词与and后面的动词的形态一定要保持一致吗? to his_______(surprise),he found the book. It is time for class 什么意思? When do you do some housework.的翻译这是他们第一次用南瓜做灯笼?他的邻居想要和我们讲一些关于鬼的事.孩子们打算从晚上九点到午夜在唐人街看烟花和舞狮. 的英文翻译标题也翻译 你知到怎样装饰房子?DO YOU KNOW?THE HOUSE 美国第一任总统是谁?