
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:20:05
红月亮是怎样形成的 颂党恩,跟党走征文 红月亮怎么形成的 consolation 与 relief 区别A person's religon should be a solace to him in times of trouble and affliction.这句话中选solace 的同义词为什么要选 relief 不选 consolation 为什么有太阳的时候还会下雨? 初三定语从句 Do you konw what letter is a kind of drink? 定语从句(初三)本人英语超差的..连主语宾语也不知道是什么还有1星期就月考了想问高手一下定语从句的语法应该怎么用,把所有情况都说出来吧!记得说得简单点.. What do you 有关初三定语从句He didn’t tell me the reason why he was so upset这句话能改成“介词+which/whom”的形式么?怎么改? 请问 He is too young to go to school 是不定式to go to school 修饰副词too too far away to see 呢 你们谁有2009初三仁爱版的英语课本全部内容2009-8-31 | 仁爱版英语教材九年级上册——我的英语课堂笔记(一)2009.8.30 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section ALook ,listen and say(After a long holiday ,Kangkang is happy to see his 仁爱英语课本的宣传是不是有点过?课本里面有附页,专门介绍盗版仁爱的人的“罪恶行径”,竟然出现某某的老婆,或者是他儿子将在同学面前永远抬不起头来,还有一些不适合未成年人的字眼, -- Do you know Obama had a discussion with students in Beijing during his state visit to China?--Really?If I ___ a chance like this,I would feel extremely excited.A have B will have C had D has改错 If I have had enough money,Iwould have traveled ev 31.Mike's father,as well as his mother,insisted that he ________ home.A.stayed B.could stay C.has stayed D.stay32.Mr.Smith insisted that he ________ the work all.A.had done B.have done C.did D.so有人说insist过去不虚拟.那答案不是A 求助2道虚拟语气题1.Tom would bring you what you've been expecting if he ___here tomorrow.A comes Bwould come C will come Dshould come2.Take care in case you ____cold.A caught B should catch C would catch D catching关于虚拟语气中什么 中国奴隶制度从什么时候开始的 求视频:初三上仁爱英语 I would like to ______ ______ ______(订购)for ten copies of this book.我们正学的 Li lei is very polite,and his is very hard working.同义句 Li Lei is very polite.___ ,he is very hard-working 《包拯》的特殊字词?《包拯》有什么特殊字词句?包括:通假字、古今意义词、一词多义、倒装句、词类活用…… 坠落山涧 近义词 山涧是什么意思 坠落山涧的反义词 坠落山涧的坠的意思和全部意思【字典里的意思】 be expect you from half past understanding中文什么意思 求海底捞肉麻式服务的读后感海底捞肉麻式服务能走多远摘自文摘旬刊. Understanding词意? 成语 作壁上观 在这里的用法是否正确姚明意外受伤,近几场赛事只能作壁上观,但火箭队仍然取得了22连胜.有人认为他们很有些运气成分.这里面的成语 作壁上观 运用的是否正确?这个成语有 “尝贻余核舟一,盖大苏泛赤壁云”摘自明朝学者魏学洢的,这句话里的"尝贻"指的是? 苏幕遮(范仲淹)里的黯乡魂的黯拼音是第四声还是第一声,还有休独倚的倚是第几声