
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:24:04
we are not fit in with each other帮忙翻译 what was your mother doing when I ----(phone)you yesterday?并翻译 how long did you write to your e-friend yesterday?译 七大洲平均海拔都是多少? 七大洲哪个海拔最高有喜马拉雅山 海拔就高啊 Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still ______ the traditioA.perform B.possess C.observe D.support为什么 世界七大洲中,平均海拔最高的是什么给出四个选项,请尽快回答A.亚洲 B.非洲 C.南极洲 D.北美洲 七大洲平均海拔. 英语翻译星期六的晚上,我独自完成了我的家庭作业.因为星期天我要去奶奶家跟她一起玩3个小时.奶奶很喜欢吃蛋糕.所以我买了两块蛋糕.妈妈开心的对我说:“你会让奶奶感到高兴的.”奶奶 Did you ( ) your room yesterday?A .clean B.cleaned 这个是选择A还是B?为什么? 英语翻译­when you realize thatsomeone is very important to you please tell her ( or him) that youmatters to me! Did your parents help you clean your room?有无错误.十分钟内急求.Did your parents help you clean your room?No,them didn't. 最好别和我说话 翻译英文, I have been corresponding ___ him for many years.填一个介词 Have you been corresponding with him?这句话是什么时态?什么用法呢? 世界上有七大洲,分别是:写七个. 生物的分类依据是什么 生物的分类是以生物的————,————以及生物之间的————依据进行分类的. 修改病句:爷爷已70多岁了,但精力仍很充足. 丁大爷今年70岁了 太阳轨道旁出现千艘地球大小的飞船是真的吗别乱说些不关这问题的话那你们说他为什么不会被太阳给消灭吖、又不会被引力给吸进去呢 Chinese currency is issued in the following denominations什么意思? Lucy told me happily that she___to Hong Kong for her holiday with her parents the next weekA.WENTB.WOULD GO C.IS GOING TO D.HAD GONE 欢迎远道而来的朋友(名句) 顾明常于同学闹矛盾,因此没有朋友.我们可以用“( ),( )”这句俗语来劝他与大家和睦相处请勿抄袭别人已经传电脑上的答案 简单的英语两人对话每人十到二十句左右, 法语名词复数的s读不读出来?有什么规律? 法语名词变复数des chinois 和des Chinoises 有什么不同北外的法语第一册P107页,des chinois 和des Chinoises 到底有什么不同?不是以s结尾,复数形式不变嘛?不明白怎么有俩个形式,是不是二者一样? Mao Zedong ____for many years ,but he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people.A.died B.had died C.has been died D.has been dead ,为什么? 30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly. A. after which I have looked B. which I have looked after C. that I have looked after D. I have looked after 为什么A不对 和B不一样吗 the machine-,( )for many years,is still walking perfectlyA; after which i have looked B;which i have looked after为什么是选b不是a呢?还有一题the secretary asked her boss whether he had anything more-( )before she went back home?A;to type 古人认为昼夜交替现象是怎么形成的?