
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:31:38
跪求托福iBT的TPO,请好心人发到我的邮箱teuk_pearl@163.com,非常感谢 Please indicate your availability at this correspondence address写什么啊? Please () the fruit to your parents首字母为s 请教there was an football match last saturday为什么last saturday 前面不用加at 1.She is talking about ___ some housework for the poor woman.A.do B.to do C.doing D.does2.中文翻译(短文提问,问题木看懂)Does Mr Smith understand his wife's words? She thought I was talking about her son,___ in fact,I was talking about my son.A.whom B.where C.which D.while请说明理由. at risk to their own lives有这种用法吗?我只记得:at the risk of 清明祭扫感受 作文清明节是我国人民悼念逝者、寄托哀思、缅怀先人的传统节日.每年清明,人民群众都要举行不同形式的纪念活动,深情缅怀为了维护国家的尊严,争取民族独立解放、国家繁 关于清明给家人扫墓的作文,还要多一点感想, make something to do 还是make sth do It's time to do sth要使用这个来造句要10句 这句英文的中文意思是什么:Your question is open for business.在国外一个类似于百度知道的网站发起一个提问后,出现的这句英文:Your question is open for business. They felt confident when they saw their own value翻译 open Business 放在下面对话中,我能理解为什么呢?女:Do you still want me to work with you?男:yes honeyif you like honey you can work with me but if you choose to stay home,then i will open Business for you能不能全段翻译我听呢? Shanghai particle accelerator to open its doors for business什么意思 一般来说,当一家新店开业的时候,会挤满顾客的(open for business fill) In fact ,they had not finished unpacking when they threw their first Party翻译 We are open for business from Monday to Friday.open的用法 What did the principal say about books when he asked the American man to send them? the yellow desk is near the bed and the blue chair is beside the desk.翻译 分析英语句子:what is the man trying to say to the woman?请分析句子各组成成分及语序.特别是trying to asy to the woman?为什么要用triying?到底哪部分是定语,哪部分是状语?为什么这么用? Did the woman get what she wanted? don’t have time 是to do sth 还是doing sth 1.10 Don't waste any time trying to persuade him to join us .__ is no need to do so.Don't waste any time trying to persuade him to join us .__ is no need to do so.A.It B.This C.That D.There请说明理由, 潜行者 普里皮亚季的呼唤=your video card doesnt meet game reguirements Try to lower game settings.我安装了游戏后,打开它就有一个对话框“your video card doesnt meet game reguirements Try to lower game settings”什么意思 英语翻译帮忙翻译成中文, in their lives还是in their life什么时候用哪个?麻烦用具体的语境例句帮我讲一下 take their life还是take their lives?翻译是神马?{为什么教科书的和百度的不同啊? all their life与all their lives 哪个对? in their life还是in their lives?这两个短语哪个是正确的,如果都是正确的, 关于 their lifetheir life是单数还是复数形式? we are going to plant the tree__________(在湖边)