
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:41:27
我就想不通《周礼》是周公旦写的,关孔子儒家什么事 怎么就变成儒家经典了.我就想不通《周礼》是周公旦写的,关孔子儒家什么事 怎么就变成儒家经典了.我推崇避孕套.但那东西也不能成我 the total order is made up of 1X40FT of each model for both Viglitta and Vuemme有哪位高手能帮我翻译一下这句话,Viglitta and Vuemme是我们公司的两个客户. 维护周礼,贵贱有序为什么是孔子思想的落后部分? 孔子崇尚周礼,周礼具体是什么样子呢? total order和partial order的区别 Mrs Smith's old____lived with her and her husband.完形填空 儒学以周礼为基础,以孔子的仁政说为核心吗 keep 这里是什么词性Why do you keep silent? 我觉得这里用are, 替换do 才合适吧.这里keep应该做系动词的么?谢谢.keep,不是系动词么。这里..而且, silent 也是形容词。 标书中的 P/B 是什么意思.原文如下: You readiness to establish 10%(P/B) out of total order value...You readiness to establish 10%(P/B) out of total order value during 30 days from date of being notified, in writing, of placing order with Mrs Smith's old____lived with her and her husband.完形填空(全文) 孔子主张的“克己复礼”是什么“礼” Mrs White shops with her husband.(用now改写句子) 英语翻译句子错了 应该是Mrs Johnson surprise Besty to come and have dinner with her and her husband that evening. 在做“通电导线和指南针”的实验时,为了使实验效果更明显,小明提出可以在点亮小灯泡的电路中多用几节电.在做“通电导线和指南针”的实验时,为了使实验效果更明显,小明提出可以在点 it s()that the tv show is very interesting怎么填 This TV show is very interesting就画线部分提问 哪些单词含book 已知灯泡电流电压以及通电时间,如何求电流做的功 My TV show is also not very interesting 是一个病句吗?PLEASE 还要有原因 Unconditional quality bank guarantee be issued in the amount of 10% of the total contract value the game show is (very interesting)对括号里提问 孔子对“礼”的见解 孔子问礼!孔子问礼于老聃,共有三次记录,分别讲述了什么内容. Mrs Gress is Ann's mother.变同义句 孔子对礼、德的看法写论文用 Mrs Gress is Ann's mother.变同意句 Is Ann’s mother in?= Is Ann’s mother _________ _________? Bruce is my father and Ann is my mother改为同义句 为了保护电路,灯泡的额定电流=电路中的最大电流? 难忘的一课 "这是多么强烈的民族精神,多么浓厚的爱国情意啊"这句话在全文的作用是什么? 难忘的一课中的我们中国自己的伟人这句话表达了什么 难忘的一课 中 我们中国自己的伟人 表达了什么