
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:21:56
What's the biggest late in the world?就只要整句话的回答,不要资料,后带中文,不好意思,是lake 本人就只要整句话的英文回答,不要资料,后带中文, What is the biggest thing in the world? 欧亨利的《警察与赞美诗》中的好词好句好段 词20个 句5句 段3个 急答得好加悬赏 It was too good to be true. a bit of和a few a little of a little...有什么区别 I,us,your,theirs,he,her,its的主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 我们称your为什么的形容词性物主代词或形容词格 Some people think that Japan has enterd the aged society____it is ready for this.Some people think that Japan has enterd the aged society_it is ready for this.A.after C.before D.until people say that there is a hold-up on the roads请各位朋友帮忙翻成中文,其中hold-up 英语(中文改为英文)可是为什么会有觉得与认为?我觉得你应该相信自己! The cup of tea_____a little bitter.Could you give me a glass of water instead?A.feels B.tastes tasted D.sounds为什么选B呢?我选C了. I need_____ink.Could you give men _____?A.a bit of;any B.a little of;some疑问句不是用ANY吗,为什么选B. would you please give me ___orange juice,Bill?A.a bit B.a bit of C.a little of Whose diet的whose修饰后面的名词,它是形容词性吗? whose和形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词例如That is (her)dog 对括号部分提问也就是whose dog is that?例如:That dog is (hers)对括号部分提问也就是whose is that dog?我想问的是第一个例句中用的形容词 wbgswhzdn,psckhbrkq每个字母都是汉语拼音第一个字母,求翻译 英语翻译大概是,不知怎么了,与年前相比…………而发脾气了 Y.Driving is difficult.I am afraid that there are new people! I am afraid that there is no ____ for you in my car because there are already five people(说明理由) I'm afraid that there's no_____for you in my car because there're already five people.A.ground D.field 为什么? I have( ) the library for about several hours.(left / left for / been away from / gone out of)这题应该选什么,说出正确答案的理由和其他三个选项为什么不选的理由,. ()()she?() my grandma.()()she?() fine.()()si she?()()about seventy.每空一词, kind ofa bit of,a little bit修饰问题kind of 修饰可数名词还是不可数名词?用在肯定句中还是否定句?a bit of 修饰可数名词还是不可数名词?用在肯定句中还是否定句?a little bit 修饰可数名词还是不可 a little bit和kind of的区别要例句 用适当介词填空his dream is to work______a translator. As was said above,many people have realized.第一个词用as对不对? It's about -----from my home to school.A.there hours' walk B.three hour's walk C.three hours' walks D.three-hours walk When small children choose which toy they will play with的同义句 I wish you will be healthy and play games with us.改错.为什么?答案是wish 改HOPE为什么啊 哪一种不是海洋哺乳动物? 请问海洋哺乳动物是如何给它的孩子喂奶的?海洋哺乳动物如鲸等,它们的幼仔嘴那么大,又是在海水里边,是怎么能吃到母乳而不是吸入海水的? 海洋哺乳动物怎样哺乳?