
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 14:30:21
给出单词读音,如何写出其音标? 求一份新概念英语1MP3,susiey88@126.com 新概念英语1mp3有哪位朋友可以给我发新概念英语1 配套的MP3啊.是08版本的. what do you think of thewhat do you think of the film?----It's fantastic.The only pity is that I ()the beginning of it.A.missed B.was missing C.miss D.will miss What do you think of the show?______________do you_____________the show? when you leave the room,make sure ____all the lights are turnde off.a.if b when.c whether d that I'm leaving now ,_______ you turn off the lights A.To make sure B,Make sure C.making sureI'm leaving now ,_______ you turn off the lightsA.To make sure B,Make sure C.making sure这句话是祈使句吗?什么时候句首用To make sure 或making sure when you leave the room,make sure( ) the lights are turned off.正确答案为:that,但是为啥不能选填“whether”,意思上不也是讲的通的吗? 曾经的曾经,都是回忆.用英语怎么说 --I am leaving now --__ you turn off the lights A To make sure B Make sure C Making sure 如果连回忆都是虚假的用英语怎么说 ---Do you know Alice?---Yes. I know _______ very well.A. she B. herself C. her D. hers请问答案是c吗? I know her brother very well(very well)提问 you I know her brother very well(very well)提问you her brother 高级英语,有一课,课文是 the sad young man.老师给我们出了道题,what do you think of the sad young man?要求写在作业本上 间接引语 what do you think of the scarf .'he asked the man He didn't i______ himself at the beginning,so we know very little about him. know very well people shop many in him the连词成句是什么 完成句子之十七 I know him very well,_________________ for ages.(因为我们是朋友)(请先看清补充)because we have been friends自己分析:感觉没错的,不过总觉得怪怪的,可能多了个逗号,不过应该不会造 伤心的回忆!用英语怎么说 回忆以前就觉得心痛用英语怎么说 孔子提出的三思是指?. 求孔子一句话孔子有句话的意思是君子不会只听能说会道的人的的话,也会细心听取说话不利索的人的话,这句怎么说1楼老兄,你这句话不是我想要的意思吧。 问于孔子 想要个特别点的英文名记得是特别…如果照着别人以前的帖子乱般sorry没奖励我姓赵我是女生…英语高手可以帮偶拼个也行…我中文名叫赵丁宁之前朋友帮忙起的名字Damara,觉得没什么特别的 想要个特别点的英文名!我的名字叫刘辉 不知道怎么取英文名``我希望有人能帮我取个特别点的``因为名``好听就行谢谢`` 人民币为什么只对美元升值,对其他货币却是贬值?人民币升值对出国旅游好像也没什么是划算的,难道只能去美国?日元,新加坡元,澳元,瑞郎都在升值,人民币说是升值,好像也没看见升?除了美元 I know her brother very well.怎么改为否定句 为什么孔丘叫孔子? 孔子原名是孔丘吗 孔丘是孔子吗?你们敢保证孔子就是孔丘吗? 有没有好的英文名我的名字叫L S Y,不要太多人用的英文名 I know him very well aithough I can't meet him.