
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:37:12
Which coat is better on me?翻译 通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证用英语该怎么说啊? 放风筝一定比跑步有趣用英语怎摸说 Which candle burns longer:a black one or a white one?25.Why does a cook wear a high,white hat?26.Can you name five days of the week without saying:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday?27.What kind of dog never can bite and bark?28.What has a soft Which dogs do you like?The black one or the white one?哪里有错呢?求求你了,我在做作业,我还有两题 I will not believe you any more改为同义句I will ________ believe you _________ 一横线一次 I will not change my love for you piease believe me hehe 麻烦帮我翻译下、 I believe that you will be Strong.Because you are not too weak My son is new here,but it's not easy for him to get l_____ C.There is a big fight between white germs and black germs.中文 连词成句 name,Dale,is,his car,she,is,A2213,number . number,ID card,6665655 ,is,my 连词成句 ISO9001是什么意思?代表什么? _ _his car number(对画线部分提问) His car number is 555 改成否定句 her car number is HR567 HR567 提问 ask sb a question等不等于ask a question of sb ask a question of sb意思不是问一个有关于你的问题吗? sb is out of the question什么意思 Kangkang has won the first prize in the school c____ contest.We are very proud of him. It's easy to talk in English is'n it. My car number is LFZ321G划线部分是LFZ321G就划线部分提问 The number of my father's car is F8106.(对划线部分提问) -------- ———— is your father's car划线部分是F8106 He-----[success] in working out problem yeateiday .we are proud of him . He has made___ that we are proud of him.A. so rapid progressB. such a rapid progressC. such rapid progressD. such rapid progresses答案是C 为什么不能选A呢 To ask a questionIn Africa's Great Rift Valley,cracks in the earth,tall volcanoes,and deep lakes are all the clues that volcanic area is always changing.My question is:What's the meaning of "in the earth"?What are the differences between in the earth 英语翻译遇见你是我的缘,守望你是我的歌... 水调歌头中表达诗人乐观积极地人生观的诗句是 《水调歌头 》这首词的上片表达了作者怎样的心态?表达了作者怎样的人生态度 人生不如意事十之八九,可与人言着无一二.用英文怎么表达? 翻译:人生不如意,十之八九 什么叫“人生不如意者十之八九”? 人生不如意事十之八九英语怎么说