
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:18:14
鱼在云中游哪个是虚像哪个是实像RT 晴朗的天空飘着几朵白云,小聪同学向一个清澈的池塘看去,却发现红色的鲤鱼在白云间穿梭云和鱼的像是虚像 gone with the wind中对Scarlett的英文评论 I'm sorry that I can't go to your party tonight.I’m sorry that I can’t go to your party tonight.--- _____ Haven’t we agreed on it?A.What is it B.Why don’t you C.What do you think D.How is it If you attend the party tonight,__(我也会去 是so do I还是so will I). Henry can’t attend the party _____ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _____ at Marie’s house tomorrow.选项:a、held/being held b、to be held/to be held c、 to be held/ held d、 being held/to be held 小明从河边走过.看见河水中有 白云 ,鱼 ,房屋,树木,水草,其中属于虚像的事是?属于折射成像的是? 站在湖边的人看到湖水中的树和鱼,其实人看到的是树的____,鱼的_____.(填实像或虚像) 这里的水却是镜子一样平,蓝天一般清 ,拉长的水草在水底轻轻地浮动."仿句"满树的花..." 房后原有一条清的河两岸满是树草河里鱼儿游但前年河附近建了工厂向附近排放污水如今河水污染给周围人不便把上面的句子用英语给翻译了、由于字数有限、句子都是简写的、就是写不要 they saw _____ girls the day before yesterday.选择 A both the other two B the two other both C the both other two D the both two other 8:They,saW,填空格,grils,the,day,before,yesterday,A,both,the,other,tWo,B,the,two,other,both,C,the,both,other,tWo,D,the,both,tWo,other I saw ( ) the day before yesterday.A,the both other two gislsB,the two other both gislsC,the both two other gislsD,both the other two girls I saw ____girls the day before yeaterdayA the both other two B the two other both C.both two the other D both the other two 快回答吧 gone with the wind人物简介不用太详细,但是越全越好要英文版的 描写山水的优美语段. 某同学在水池里看到水里“鱼在水中游”,则他看到的“鱼”和“云”A 都是光的反射现象形成的B 都是光的折射现象形成的C “鱼”是光的反射现象形成的,“云”是光的折射现象形成的D “鱼 “鱼在云中游"中关于鱼和云形成原因,前者是光的_而形成_像,后者由于光的__而形成__像 人站在湖边,看到湖中的鱼在云朵中游来游去,鱼和云分别是实像还是虚像? they were busy yesterday evening.改为否定句 ___ he busy the day before yesterday?A、Were B、Was C、Did 将 they had a busy day yesterday 改为感叹句 Cause you are everything im not in my life这个怎么理解因为你是我生命中的一切. you are all my life you are my you‘re everything good in my life you‘re everything good in my life you are my whole 就是以读书为主题的作文我的是作文,要分段。 以我与阅读为主题的作文就是写阅读给你的感悟,谢拉,600到800字的, 以阅读为主题的作文主题:阅读——享受智慧生活 字数为1000字 用环境描写来体现人物心情的语段 求《gone with wind》和简爱的英文影评和剧情介绍