
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 15:42:48
英语翻译看到房子就要倒下,里面的人立即跑出来.Seeing the house ___ ___,the people in it ran out ____ ____.The building is ___ ___ (成了废墟)外面突然传来一阵笑声.There came ___ ___ ___ laughter from outside.He ___ __ Optics Valley News英文怎么缩写?这个英文怎么缩写啊?. Please talk about your experience during the summer or winter vacation. 跪求英语牛人把这12个字母H.U.A.N.G.R.O.N.G.C.A.I.做成开头的单词按顺序拼成一句表达爱的句子! 7个字母组成单词 s c o a t h m s o m a t h c 用这些字母组成正确的单词 有关成功的记叙文 只要给点思路就行 求快 在这不同寻常的春天 记叙文,只要思路,告诉我有什么事件可以写? 古汉语中欲速则不达是什么意思要原文和解释哦o(∩_∩)o...哈哈 四川地震灾区现在的情况怎么样了?还需要志愿者吗? 如何参加5.12四川地震灾区志愿者? Would you please talk about the meanings of the charities?尽量用英语回答 填空:Would you please talk( ) meals about you? 读《撒哈拉沙漠的故事》有感 三毛为什么要去撒哈拉沙漠生活 三毛为什么要去撒哈拉沙漠呢? 芭比之真假公主中If You Love Me For Me 与Written In Your Heart 这两首歌曲.If You Love Me For Me 是爱丽卡和国王合唱的 Written In Your Heart是爱丽卡卖艺和最后时候唱的,请给我一个可以听的最好可以下载. 三毛为什么要去撒哈拉沙漠 求:三毛作的撒哈拉沙漠 白手成家读後感300~400字 they live in a tall building whose top we can see from here这句话用 whose 还是 which 说明理由 It is such a tall building that we cannot see the top of it.同义句It is such a tall building that we cannot see the top of it.(同义句)It is ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ we cannot see the top of it. i live in a tall building and i liveA in twelfth B on the wuelfth C in twelve D in the twelve选哪个? 二十年后回故乡作文500字 有点科幻性的一定要有点科幻性的 静静地,像这样的词语有那些. 拥有阳光 记叙文 We live in the same road .But he lives on the o---- side Lili and Mary live in the same building but on different( ) 我和他住在同一幢楼.He lives in the same building as还是to me? Your love is like a perfect poison,rival heart broken you are still beautiful.求翻译 等待记叙文800 根据意思写词语 急 干脆,表示直截了当()干脆,表示直截了当()出于喜欢或敬重而愿意接近()各种颜色都有,颜色多而复杂()需要各种乐器协同演奏的乐曲()待人非常仔细细心周到 表示直截了当干脆用什么词语最合适