
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:24:09
can,talk,nowadays,our,away,we,to,from,friends,far,us(连词成句) can,talk,nowadays ,our,away ,we ,to ,from,frinds,far,us连词成句 在函数Y=-X+3中,当自变量X 时,图像在第二象限 正比例函数y=-2x的图像经过第_________象限,函数y随自变量x的增大而_______ 已知:一次函数y=kx+3的图像正比例函数y=-2x的图像经过第_________象限,函数y随自变量x的增大而_______已知:一次函数y=kx+3 sometimes l play basketball on the weekends.【对sometimes提问】[ ] [ ]do you play basketball on the快,赶时间 After school we usually play ____basketball for half an hour on ____playground. I sometimes play basketball _____ I am free after school.A so B.and C.if 填什么?并说明理由(我在线等) 单项式与单项式相乘 I will visit Shanghai on 19/20.是19号和20号,还是19号或者20号? I will go to visit shanghai.的同义句 哪个名人有爱心,以及他的事例嗯 Beijing is far away from Shanghai.否定句 Beijing ( )( )Shanghai. how far is it from Beijng to Shanghai how far is it from shanghai to beijing?答句A.About one day.B.About 12 hours by train.C.In 12 hours.D.100 meters long.为什么选B? 扬长避短的名人事例 三个~写作文找素材 精辟点要故事 世界上伟人的 在RT三角形ABC中.∠B=90,∠ACB=45,点D在BC延长线,CA=CD,求tan22°30″的值是多少 已知△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,∠acb=45°,D在BC的延长线上,且CD=CA,则tan 45°/2的值为多少?A 根号2+1 B 根号2-1 C 根号2+1/2 D 根号2-1分之2 如图所示,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD⊥AB,设BC=a,CA=b,AB=c,CD=h.(1)判别c+h与a+b的大小关系,并说明理由(2)猜想以a+b,h,c+h为边的三角形是什么三角形?并说明理由 单项式与单项式相乘 (the girls) are playing in the playground.对划线处提问用who is 还是who are the girls are playing basketball in the playground 划线提问划线的是playing basketball Many boys are playing in the playground.对划线部分in the playground提问( ) ( )many boys are playing? 判断题:一个圆柱体的底面直径是0.2分米,高是0.6分米.侧面积是0.3768分米() 已知点A(x1,y1)和B(x2,y2)在反比例函数y=k/x(k<0)的图像上,且0<x1<x2,那么y1-y2的值 0.在空的地方填>,<或=好的回答可以加多点分(15分) 神秘..奇怪的.今天想模范蔡伦的造纸,于是找了一个类似于合金的罐.在里面放了 类似和纸浆一样的东西.而且在下面放了蜡烛加热.但是不久奇怪的事情发生了...在蜡烛火焰上方出现了黑色而 把一个圆柱体截成两个圆柱体后,她的表面积一定增加一个底面积 判断 已知关于x的方程,(m-1)*X²-2mx+m=0,有两个不同的两个实数根X1、X2,²=8,求m He( )school and he is always active in class He enjoys school and he is always active in class.中文 he loves school and he is always active in class什么意思? He is always very active in student activities.英翻译成汉语 He ( )school and he is always active in class.Adislikes B.likes a C.goes to a D.D.enjoys