
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:08:34
若随机事件A与B相互独立,P(A)=0.2,P(A+B)=0.8,则P(A-B)=? 设随机事件A与B相互独立,且P(A∩B)=0.66,P(A)=0.3,求P(B) 设A,B是两个相互独立的随机事件,且P(A)=1/4,P(B)=1/3,则P(B-A)=严禁灌水!急用!最后问题应该为“则P(A-B)= ” 设随机事件A与B相互独立,且P(A)=1/5 ,P(B)=3/5 ,则P(A∪ B)=好像是17/25 英语翻译all assays shall show copper content to the nearest 1/100 of one percent,这个数字很重要,请给各确切翻译, 文理分班我先把分数写下数学81(120)语文81(120)英语91(120)物理62(100)化学87(100)生物83(100)历史66(100)政治53(100)地理69(100)这是刚刚2.5个月了、我之前有些偏向理,因为我和 请帮忙把171210918这几个数字翻译成一句话高手帮帮忙啊,这是女朋友问的啊.谢谢! 英语翻译是一句经典台词.要完整的 你一定看过有关动物的书籍,了解许多动物的趣事,把你认为最精彩的写下来吧!写故事和书名. Please t_____this sentence into Chinese. 【河北省2011】37.This sentence right.Please write it down.A.feels B.sounds C.tastes D.smell【河北省2011】37.This sentence right.Pleasewrite it down.A.feels B.sounds C.tastes D.smells【解析】考查词语辨析,feels感觉;sounds听起 please translate this sentenceand his ideas about football are usually as good as those of men three or four times his _____ .a.ideas b .age c .stories d .education the answer is :b but ,how to translate please help me to understand this sentenceItel's creation of the 486SX computer chip,which was the regular 486DX chip with its math coprocessor disabled.These software developers are reducing the gross value of some of their products in order to prev 设随机事件A B C相互独立 且P(A)=0.4 P(B)=0.5 P(C)=0.7 求至少有一个发生的概率至少一个,不是可以二个,可以三个,为甚麼会是至少有一个发生的概率P=1-0.09=0.91 已知集合A=(x|x 随机事件A,B.C相互独立.且P(A)=0.4 .P(B)=0.5 P(C)=0.7 求三个恰有一个发生的概 A和B两个随机事件,证明命题:对任意正概率随机事件C有P(AB|C)=P(A|C)*P(B|C),则A与B相互独立 present perfect tense,past perfect tense两者的用法,用中文答 在2/3,0.667,3/5,5/7,0.6的循环这些数中,最小的是( ),最大的是( ),( )和( )相等. 设A、B为两个随机事件,0 设A,B为两个随机事件,0一楼,我还是看不明白你写的,P(AB逆)/P(B逆) =P(A)-P(AB)/1-P(B)是说P(AB逆)=P(A)-P(AB)吗,这个是怎么得出来的 设A,B是两个随机事件,若A与B相互独立,证明A的逆与B也相互独立 设A,B是两随机事件,且0 9.Write a sentence with the words (give) 在-兀、-2、3.14、22/7、兀/2、0.1414中,有理数有几个? 5.Write a sentence with the words__________ (give) 请问一下22.7 22.147 14.227/|b|^14=14.7=1414° 用所给词的适当形式天空 Write a sentence with the words ______(give) Write a sentence with the ___ wordsA giving B given can someone give me a sentence with the words alarcrity? X×x=36解方程 110KV常用的钢芯铝绞线2×LGJ,这个2表示什么?10KV的都是3×YJV,3代表三相.低压的多根零线是4×.2×求赐教,