
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:15:20
木兰诗中描写了什么刻画了什么表现了什么 如图,已知A(n,-2),B(1,4)是一次函数y=kx+b的图像和反比例函数y=m/x的图像是两个交点,直线AB与Y轴交于点C.3、求不等式kx+b-m/x<0的解集(直接写答案)求具体过程 给我一篇名为《母爱的力量》的作文 英语翻译Hollywood blockbusters now typically get their first screening in China within a couple of days of their American premiere,and music lovers in China can download singles that top Billboard charts from the internet without having to scout 王冕《白梅》诗意 王冕 白梅1.请结合诗句,解释下面的字.著:混:发:2.这是一首托物言志之作,本诗能反映作者情怀志向的句子是“ ,.” 初一新生400字军训感言,只参照哦 f(x)=2sin(2x+⊓/6)+a+1(a为常数) 当x∈[0,⊓/2]时,f(x)最大值为4,求a的值. 若函数y=2sin(2x-3派/4)+a,(a为常数,R)在x?[11派/24,3派/4]上的最大值和最小值和为1,求a 已知f(x)=2sin(2x+六分之派)+a+1(a为常数)(1)求f(x)的递增区间(2)求o<x<二分之派时,f(x)最大值为4,求a的值 上学的时候写了几本日记本,现在觉得很滑稽…我想把它们处理掉,有什么办法呢?一定得是实际可行的方法, 英语翻译interactions beyond the fig wasp community become progressively more complex,as ants tending planthoppers(腊禅) protected figs against nonpollinating wasps. Popularity is Good ,but It's Not EverythingIf you want to become more popular,you must love others and make them feel loved,and they will love you in return.To be popular with your peers,you must know what tosay and how to act and think for others.To 英语翻译接上面matter/what/you/may/do,you/must/try/your/best... what's the climate like in your country? what’s the climate like in your country?这里的like是什么意思啊 请详细解释一下二项式定理与排列组合的关系,比如(a+b)^3=a^3+3a^2b+3ab^2+b^3,其中的系数3是C(2,3)的意思,但是我不太想得明白,C(2,3)里的2和3是怎么对应到(a+b)^3的展开式的,C(2,3)的意思不就是从3样东 排列组合与二项式定理1.已知集合A={a1,a2,a3,a4},B={b1,b2,b3},可以建立从集合A到集合B的不同映射的个数是___;可建立从集合B到集合A的不同映射的个数是___.2.在(1-2x)^n的展开式中,各项系数的和是__ 排列组合与二项式定理的综合运用用正五棱柱的10个顶点中的5个做四棱锥的5个顶点,共可得到多少个四棱锥? 高三排列组合,二项式定理.一天内要上6节课,分别是语文,英语,排课时要求英语在数学的前面,问有多少种不同的排法? 排列组合 二项式定理有何规律可循谢谢 Let ____ clean the windowsA、they B、he C、we D、you 改错 The windows is clean.the door is clean also. 怎么整理好语文笔记? "总的说来"用英文翻译 ____ everything ____ ____ 英语翻译They cannot imagine how anyone can really like modern music; they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing; they think that all modern painting is ugly; and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being buil He forgot closing the door.And it is still open now.改错 怎么整理英语笔记 英文笔记如何整理?在暑假补课用1本书 都是一章节一章节的现在想整理一下 因为太乱了 有时候想用也找不到怎么整理啊?那不是要用很多本子吗?因为开学就要初3了 初3的东西一定也会增加 谁能帮我整理一下初1下的英语笔记啊?我的笔记本丢啦! 如何快速整理英语笔记还保证质量 give