
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/09 19:50:11
勾践为什么要置胆于坐,饮食尝胆呢? 尝胆励志 译文 源于《尝胆励志》的成语是什么? 脚字开头的成语 足开头的成语急 为什么小孩子的肚兜上画着青蛙、蜈蚣、蛇、蝎子、蜘蛛? 请问蝎子,蜈蚣,蛇,蜘蛛,蟾蜍,它们有什么共同的食物吗?请列举一些常见的 比如蚯蚓 不过好像蝎子不吃= = 英语翻译意大利的艺术生活!这句话的英文怎么翻译, 1、Mr.Wang is an English teacher with rich ________(经验).We all love him.2、Mike has many _______(经历)in his life.He traveled around the world.明天老师上课要问,不会的挨敲.悬赏不多了,求求大家可怜可怜我. 内个 请英语好的好银,帮帮咱哈On Sundays,Bill doesn't go to school.He goes to play games in the park with his friends.He gets up very late at about nine o'clock.He has his breakfast at about nine thirty.At the o'clock he meets his friends 蝎子的种类有哪些 足字开头的成语 脚开头的成语uyjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 宠物蝎子的种类想养蝎子,但是不知道养什么种类比较合适,我以前从没玩过这些东西,是个菜鸟!我想问下:都有那些蝎子能养,它们都有什么特点?有好答案最低加30分! 爪字开头的成语十分钟内 这是什么种类的蝎子? 英语问题进来1、I'm going to Hongkong by plane this morning.(使句意不变)I'm ( ) ( )Hongkong by plane this morning.2、The Zhangs have done a lot of things but not( )A、everyithng B、something C、anything D、nothing 蝎子的种类一共有多少 同志们一定要准啊,考不好算你们的呵呵...这些题我不大明白.1.china is larger than ____in Afica.A.any other country B.other countries C.the other country D.any country2.____he reads book,____he gots in it.A.The more ; the more int 求《朝花夕拾》《骆驼祥子》《钢铁是怎么炼成的》缩写每篇600字左右 怎样缩写?800字左右 骆驼祥子第一章缩写(500字) 求兽医 猪咳嗽了吃什么药效果最好?我家的20斤——50斤的小猪仔不停的咳嗽,一直没好.请问,吃什么特效药最好. 骆驼祥子 的缩写400字 从事兽医工作需要哪些条件兽医行业从高到低都有那些证书和职称或相关专业资讯,专业技术没问题,经验丰富,就是没证书,该如何规划?目前北京哪有这方面的工作能否帮忙推荐? 什么动物没有舌头?除了鱼 甲数比乙数多12,乙数是甲数的5/3,则甲数是( )请写出是怎么算的, 英语笔译二级证有用吗 对就业具体有什么用 关于英语笔译证四川哪可以报考笔译证的,还有时间等具体内容. rhetoric什么意思 英语翻译+detail packing list in 6 foldsin reimbursment we shall cover you upon receipt of documents in ordernegotiating bank is to dispatch all documents to us by two consecutive registered airmail 英语翻译Additional Conditions 47A 1) (A)1/3 SET OF ORIGINALS SHIPING DOCUMENTS(BILL OD LADING,CONBINED CERTIFICATEOF VALUE AND ORIGIN(FROM C16),MANUFA-TERER’S CERTIFICATE AND PACKING LIST)TOGETHER WITH:(B) COPIES OF SHIPPING DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE