
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:58:27
谁能帮我翻下这首歌find your love __by Drake只是意译就可以,重复部分不用翻译,3QI'm more than just an optionrefuse to be forgottenI took a chance with my heartAnd I feel it taking overI better find your lovin'I better find your h 求 Drake 的 Find your love 伴奏,请发送到 dawnkwong@163.com 为什么森林能涵养水源,保护水土 创卫作文的结尾咋写带点亲切 关于形容词与副词的英语问题(希望有简要的说明,)1、It's cold and wet today,isn't it?Yes.it is.Hopefully tomorrow will turn not___A.good B.well C.fine D.rainy2、She is____she can not reach the top of the blackboard.A.such a tal what have u been doing的been是什么时态? 时态练习: What do you ____(have)? They____(have) a blanket.快…… 我急 they talk about the problem among ()A.them B.each other C.themselves D.himself Did they talk _____(talk)about any problems at the meeting yesturday.Did they _____(talk)about any problems at the meeting yesturday.上面打错了 They should talk about their problems.对talk about their problems提问.What _________ they _________? they talked about the problem among themselves,此处为什么不可以用among them?急用... 我与父母共创卫 作文600字 大手拉小手,创卫齐步走600字作文 有关创卫的作文,600字左右!谢谢啦! 我为幸福梅县做些什么 创卫 500字 作文 第一次主持班会作文 作文<记一次有意义的班队会>怎么写?最好发个范文过来 孔子的主要思想要包含孔子所有的思想!急. 孔子的主要思想是还有教育思想 I am going to talk about the math problem with my ____(part) 是problem with sth ,还是problem about sth? 运用文化知识说明亚运会会给我们带来哪些影响? do you have any problem ______ foreigners?A.to talk with B.talking with C.talk to D.talking about Where have they been? 过节习俗是迷信吗春节放鞭炮、贴春联、门神,端午节挂艾草菖蒲,说法都是驱邪迎祥,这些属于封建迷信吗?为什么不消亡反而代代相传呢? 孔子的主要观点和业绩是什么? 手表背面写有back water steel stainless resistant什么意思啊 talk about problems造句 “小手拉大手 ,你我争创文”南海大班会观后感,450字以上 请问“小手拉大手 创文在你我”南海大班会观后感点写啊? 南海大班会观后感怎么写啊 南海大班会观后感