
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:24:37
一根绳子用了七分之六,还剩七分之六米,这根绳子用了( )米 龙是怎么演变而来的呢? He ______ (watch) Tv at night everyday. 英语和数学基础知道不好怎么能把它补好一点?明年五月份就要升考了,我想知道怎么样才能让这两科好一点把成绩提上去,求英语数学好的哥姐,教教我怎么去学? 进化龙问题. most students watch TV everyday.为什么用watch原形? they watch TV everyday this week.watch用过去时还是现在时? (我的世界 手机版这什么意思啊.? 咋填啊? 镁粉加到溴水后有什么现象,有哪些反应方程式 1.-Listen,my flight is being announed.I must be off now.-Bye._____A.Happy landing B.Think you for seeing me off C.Take it easy D.I will go with you 2.In a flash,the explosion sent glass ____everywhere,hurting a great many people standing by.A.to fly 北宋什么时候建立的 如何上好高三语法复习课 北宋建立时间{ }建立者{ }都城{ }都城今名{ } 如何提高高三语法复习课的效率 北宋时期是什么时候~什么时候? 1Wife_____a big dinner when husband was aware of their eighth wedding anniversary that day.为什么是选had hardly prepared?而不是was still preparing呢?2They chatted ___coffee about their experience as volunteers during the charity.为什么是 北宋什么时候 开始从 请帮我回答几道高三的语法题28.Computers,_______have many uses,cannot completely take the place of humans.A.that B.though C.which D.as我选B31.Ladies and gentlemen,please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.A.seated 3.In our daily life,we often come across occasion ______ we have to tell white lies to avoid hurting others.(奉贤区)A.that B.which C.when D.where此题选C,occasion可以解释为时机,场合,是不是如果先行词是occasion,后面定语 he is funny的中文意思he is ( )funny he is麻烦 吖 ( )funny he isA.What B.How C.What a 含参数不等式,x²-5ax+6a²<0 已知变量x,y满足x大于等于1,y 请赏析这段文字,50字左右跨越时空的相思,宛如眼前悠悠的湖水,深藏着不知道多少的忧愁.让人痴狂,让人忧伤,真个儿魂牵梦绕,亲情难寻,心事难招.走过世世代代,我都只渴求一个永恒的画面,让 已知变量x y满足(x-1)2+(y-1)2=1,则x+y的最小值 除湿机属于环境电器吗 低温环境下抽湿机哪个好? 天气冷怎么户外跑步 什么天气多么寒冷,他什么坚持跑步天关联词填关联词! n0=12,n1=6,n2=3,n3=1.5,n4=0.75,n5=0.375求函数解析式 城市市区和郊区在主要气候要素上有哪些不同?属于城市生态学 郊区气压高,城市气压低,从环境效益角度考虑,在郊区不能建什么产业