
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:16:27
光在水里沿什么传播 I often talk to my friend (on the Internet)括号部分提问 We often (talk to her on the Internet).(括号部分提问) 请完成下面的调查问卷 1、Do you use the Internet to send e-mails? If yes, how often——1、Do you use the Internet to send e-mails?If yes, how often—— yes no2、Do you uae the Internet for other reasons?If yes, wh 高温铁铬铝钼(0Cr27Al7Mo2)适合炼什么钢? 我用的igbt型号是h20r1202,标准Vg是5.8伏.我把5.8伏正极接g极,负极接e极.然后把c极和led和100欧电阻和e极串联.正在的情况是,打开g极的5.8伏电源,led立马亮.但关闭g极的电源,led缓慢变暗.这是问什么? Paul doesn't have to be made( ).He is always a hard-working student.选择[a] study [b] to study [c]studied [d] studying请说明理由为什么选它注意这个句子是一个被动语态的句子呀?到底选什么呢? Paul doesn't have to be made ().He always works hardA.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning Simon doesn't have to be made __.He always works hard.A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning请高手给个确切的答案,再讲下其中的语法知识. Paul doesn't have to be made _____(learn). 跨越速运的 ky-express 这个英文要如何去读?我不会这个英文,你们最好回答的时候给我配上中文 请问express怎么读?用中文标出谐音好吗? S丶ky for example 与such as 如何用急求 谢谢 such as与for example 的区别 肖像,语言,心理,细节描写片段,150字左右.相关要求见详细描述1.肖像描写:一个孩子对妈妈撒娇2.动作描写:人们挤公交过程中的动作3.语言描写:蛮横城市女青年踩到老实乡下农民的脚4.心理 富士IGBT与三菱IGBT哪个好 感应加热电源IGBT是不是拆机件怎么判断 __by the earthquake,many villages and countries in Sichuan Province had to be rebuiltA.Destroyed B.To be destroyed C.Being destroyed D.are in great needs of 一样型号 IGBT模块和普通IGBT的区别,主要不同在哪里,里面的芯片大小一样吗,模块的发果上面标150A能达到150A吗? The soldier gave his life ---- the student's life in the earthquake in SichuanA.to save B.to saving C.save D.saving Much ( ) our relief,he survived the severe earthquake.A.to B.in C.for D.with Much ( ) our relief,he survived the severe earthquake.A.to B.in C.for D.with 还有整句意思翻一下,我看不懂, 老师让写一篇叫《懂你》的作文 还说要用到描写方法比如神态.语言.心理.要怎么写? 如何用形象生动的语言描写“老师生气”还要把老师的语言.动作.神态.心理写出来. 跟奕宸谐音的英文名女生,比较中性,别eason或者ethan这俩名字都偏男生,不太中性 我叫奕宜,帮我起个英文名吧,最好有谐音!我叫奕宜,帮我起个英文名吧,最好是谐音的. They have to study hard对画线部分提问画线study hard() () () () to do but i have to study I have to study very we have got to study hard,to enlarge our knowledge,to develop our potentials and to realize our dreams I was wondering if you could meet me here this afternoon.这句话的 could 是过去式,还以一种虚拟啊 You usually come here from Monday. You can meet your teachers and classmates here 猜出地点